Asian movie festival, Gourmet pizza and some Ramen cocktail
I went to the theather recently...

...since it is the Asian filmfestival right now, I saw a Taiwanese movie...

...and Bio Royal (I think this is the best place to host your own films as well)...I heard they are cheap...

...many movies nationwide...

...4 movies in gothenburg...

...It was an old movie...but it was ok...I was more analysing the nature, trying to figure out where it was recorded...

...later on we headed to BOV for some pizza...

...still an hot pizza over...

...with some creamy burrata on top...

...I later tried a Side car again (classic drink from the 1910...)...but at Mr P...i had some similar drink here back in the days...but now Mr JR joined us, who kind of knows the staff...

...the others had champange...not my style...

...I also challanged the bartender by requesting a non-alcoholic Pinacolada...

...he was mixing some stuff...

...and had some passionfruit caramel falvour with it...(it seems like that is their standard topping)...

...I really liked it...with both milk and cream...

...some nearby table had some celebration...with fire or something (like in taiwans clubs)...

A sneaky pic of their passion fruit caramel topping...

...and some interesting art near the toilets... stop was this interesting cocktail bar...(they bought the font of their logo)...

...they had some interesting menu as well...

...many drinks...

...I was here to try their ramen drink...

...entertaining bartenders...

...over and over...pouring the drink... ramen drink....a balance of flavours...not to get it too chickenwise, nor alcohol flavoured...

...Mr TIM had some other japanese drink, looking like a river bank...

...and some other cheese cake drink and a classic bloody mary...

...and the cheesecake drink had some special touch... adding some expanded...very interesting...

Jossan and Mr Ha took pictures and filmed the process...

...a dry river bank left...

...later we went to check up on Mr JR...who joined the Mr P staff to backfickan...he is so funny...some blur picture snapped from outside....on min busy at the bar...

...MR JRs head and some random peoples arms in the air...

Mr Ha, Jossan etc chillni outside...

...everytime the door opened, a lot of smoke appeared...

...people looking in...people looking out...
2023 continues...