2 chinese new year celebrations
I celebrated chinese new year recently...

...after identifying the "warhammer store" in gothenburg...

...and having issues wiht some next bike...

...and trying meatballs at john scotts...

...and was awarded a medal...(3rd in nmy collection (i started my collection almost 20 years ago...its a tough path))...

...and joined some chiense new year celebration...

...with some kexchoklad...

...and got a doggy bag...

...and next celebrations...with some fun toy...a small metallic ball rolling on a rail...

...and another chinese new year table (hotpot)...

...some special asian fish...

...and star wars tissue...

...and some tea cups for a tea ceremony...

...and snacks...

...Anders showing how it works...

...and some games...

...and reese peanutbutter cup candies...

...and oreao special edition...

...my decoration...

...2 rabbits...

...and tea ceremony...

...smell and taste...

...next round...


...and flip the cup...

...the slowly remove the first cup...

...and the tea comes into the bowl...

...and we had mocha with milk...

...and more oreos...
...it was a fun evening...
2023 continues...
Some january adventures
I went for some hashrun recently...

...sometimes the run is free...
...sometimes they dont log the beers...
...lets see what happens... :)

...I had a fish n chips at kingshead anyway...

...later on I had some salad...

...and some local juice...
...it was good...
Strange interaction with Gothenburg Police
I was stopped by the gothenburg police recently...on the highway...
...they said that my rear window was a little foggy...(they also asked me where I was heading: I said to Örgryte, which was 15km away)...and I was let go, to continued on the highway...
So I decided to take the first exit and clean my windows, since my fan seemed to be weak...(and by swedish law, I can not stop in the midle of on the highway)
Then the police ended up following me and agreively ask why I didnt continue to Örgryte with foggy windows...
I was very confused about their behaviour...but ended up concluding that Gothenburg Police has interesting logic
2023 continues...
A day to see football
I was about to see Evertyn play football at a bar with a friend recently...

...eventyelly he cancelled..but I ended go with some other people...and alter watch hockey and handball...

...I also had a burger...

...and some thai food at moon thai...

...I also had some creamy beer at 3 små rum...

...and a really good grasshopper at Stranger Stranger...

...I also found that the church of scientology is just opposite to the freemanson house...coincidence?
2023 continues...
"What did Johan eat today" - january 2023 edition
...What did Johan eat today?

...some Thai food take away...

...talking to some friends visiting Japans southernmost island close to taiwan...

...eat dumpsered pork with rösti (with extra cheese)...

...some yoghurt with honey and seeds...

...some pork with tomato and beans...

...I also inspected some buns looking like the ones they do in Tainan...

...and at the end of the day I did sone Ayran with some oghurt, water adn salt...I love ayran...
Some january days passes by...

...I had some mosaka på svenska recently...it was very good...one of my favorite dishes...just like lasanga...

...I also dumsptered a lot of candies...the chocoaltes were my favorite (even if I buy reese peanutbutter cups once in a while)...

...it was still snow on the ground...for some days...

...I prepared the road...ploughing...

...and later on I had taco dinner with some friends...

...and head this song...(it was ok)...
A trip to Alingsås
I did a trip to alingsås recently...

...and got a first class ticket...thus i was chilling in the lounge...

...and some snacks...

...once in Alingsås it was snow everywhere (Gothenburg was rather warm)...
New years eve
I joined a hashrun recently...

...it was said to be an inofficial one..thus more expensive...

...it was a fun run...

...omg...global knife...

...I had some snacks before I headed down town...

...to some coworkers...who were leaving to stockholm...

...i had some sandwich...

...and we played many drinking games...

...pong....and gaus..and somw whip game...

...hot shot...

...mroe games...

...and some more drink mixing...

...and closer to midnight...

...and some flying lantern...

...and a lot of fireworks...

...and some singing...

...and more games...

...it was a lot of fun...

later in night one of my phone broke...thus I can currently not access signal, znely or telegram (F.Y.I)
...2023 continues...