Mr KEs birthday
Today Mr KE had his birthday

...I started with some kebab sharing, it was spicy...the rice was good...

...and a quick top to Wärdshuset Tullen at Avenyn was made...

...there was a new servant there...

...later we went to Zammenhof...Mr KE had some old "coin" he wanted to use at the arcade...

...we played 2 player mode...

...some dark image of flowers spotted at Kungshöjd...the spring has arrived!

...later some folks started to drink sparkling wine and champange...Mr JR is a champange expert...he had opinions about champange. My uncle who is a member and teacher in Munskänkarna (who kind of are sommelier experts)...use to tell me that Champange often try to have the same taste from year to year...but Mr JR told me that this was wrong and only a fraction (called house wine) among the champange was similar, else there were significant difference from year to year... - it was interesting...

...Mr JR sharing his champange experience...

...everyone listening carefully...

...Mr KE also had nice candies at home...

...we later on popped popcorn...and added popcorn was very good..

...later on I insisted on popping the seeds that was left in the popcorn bowl...that did not pop at first time...they were pretty crispy and had a sense of burned flavour..withi I guess is a sign of higher level of antioxidants (like coffee and malt has upon roasted)...
2023 contines...
Chinese food and library visit
I recently ate home made chinese food...

--from a wooden bowl...

I also checked some book out in the local university library...

...and saws ome cute elf...maybe I will carve something like this out from wood soon...
Banana cake with cinnamon cereals
made banana cake recently...

IIt continaed a lot of bananas...I also added cinnamon cereals on top (dumpstered) add that crunchiness that many banana-cinnamon-cake eaters require) was good...

Later some pizza salad was enjoyed...

...and kebab pizza, the one I once brought to taiwan...

...some funny trasnfer agreement of pizzeria ownership...

...maple suryp...same bottle...different label...

...and professional pizza flour was spotted in the local ica maxi...

...I also had some milk shake at a local max burger store... did not contain any chocolate flakes as seen on this pic... #FalseMarketing
A sunset with 2 planets
I saw a sunset recently... was nice...(like it always is here)...

I could also see 2 planets...Jupiter and was cool...

It made me feel like Luke Skywalker...also watching 2 satellites at once... (only that the force is stronger with me)...
A day out with WT and Kumar
I was out for a local visit in gothenburg recently...

checking out Mr Kumars place...

...I had some NEIPA with me...

...he had some indian canties...very nice...

...showing different dried fruits...

...they were sour...

...omg...a seed...

...and a paste made of the dried was good...

...he also had a cool dish washer... stop: the flying barrel...

..I had some local beer...

...and I saw some sign, which reminded me of a sign at my parents fridge...

...we also had some kebab and falafel...

...and some vegan mix...

...and somemore beer...

...we ended with some dessert...
All you can eat hotpot in Gothenburg
I went to an All you can eat hot pot in Gothenburg recently... was around 250sek per person...

...we had to tell the stuff what we wanted...and they gave it to us... was nice...but not as many things as at the taiwanese restaurant...

...also they said that they ran out of shrimps..but I think it was more that they wanted to save some...(we had like 15 of them only)...

...I had some spicey sauce...

...and some icecrem...

...just like in taiwan (at many places)...the icecream is rather a colour with some sweet flavour, than a distinguished taste...

...I also spotted some pizzeria on the way home....
2023 continues...
A quick visit to the boat fair
I passed by the boat fair recently... was fun...

...I tried to find the boat company that the owner of the company I use to work at owned...

...but I never found it...neither did I find the swedish armed forces stand...
but it was stull fun to watch all the boat people dressed up :)
A funny call from +44 7596 108358
I recently got a funny call from +44 7596 108358;
They claimes that I had crypto currenty for a value of 5000Euro on the website It was not enough to just get my swedish bank account to wire the money. And my current account there "has been blocked". The girl in the phone was constantly refering to their company policy (which I never signed) that I had to download some app, like It was too obvious a scam for me to not pretend to be interested.
Also it seemed like thay had some "office sound i the background with people talking". The devil is in the detail.
I asked them to call back. later on their manager talked to me, since they said that "banks can not handle blockchains". he told me I should give my bank account number to [email protected], which I thought was strange, cus they presented themselves as they were from
It reminded me of this afganistan-american soldier call, where I have to wire money for them to send me money. He also had a kid sick in cancer, who every secodn call lived in US, and else he lived in UK (the guy seldom seemed to remember his life story).
Life is full of surprises
A visit to Sjöö
I passed by the restaurant Sjöö recently...

...they had 2 kinds of bread....

...I got raw was ok...but the bread was very salty...(usually I like salty bread)...

...I also tried some fish... was served with french fries and potato...

...however...the potato was also extremely was intereting (I didnt say anything to the waitress though)...

.as dessert I had a Creme Catalana; i liked that it had eatable orange peices. The cheif asked me how it was since it was his first time to make it. I think that the sugar crust was extremely good, not sure why.
It is similar to Creme brulée:
Popcorn try out
I recently went to a local Ica MAxi, where they had 6 unique kind of popcorn.

...this one had dark conr colour...but the popcorn was extra white...

...I only tried 2 kinds...I should try the other 4 as well. Mainly it was the popcorn size and the corn flavour that was the difference (popcorn corn is a special kind of corn) - maybe I should get soem crops later on...
For more info: