Taipei Metro hash event
I joined taipei metro hash recently...

...meeting Mr Reuter nearby...

...there were the signs from JingAn station to the starting point...

...and some info for the runners...

...walkers started earlier...

Aayon and Reuter prepared for the night run...Reuter got to borrow a flashlight...(we didnt know we needed one)...I ended up using my cellphone...

...and the ran begun...Mr Z was also there...he use to run a lot...

...and tried to be in the front...

...and of we the city environment...

..stairs....up, down, up, down...5-7 km...

...and finally we reached the finished...

...and run to the starting point...

...and Mr Z was already there...

...and some drinking begun...

...some added juice to the beer to get radler...

...I also bought some hash badge...

...many people eating....

...and the hosts were cooking intensively...

...and 2 birthday people...

...they had to eat some soup with whipped cream..

...and some whisky was also served...

...and some toast...

..and more cream...

....and more beer...

...I planned to go for a diet...but kind of failed...

...also wearing my gothenburg Hash shirt...(and yes: the police arrived (in the backgorund)) cus some neighbour complained...(it is very common here in taiwan)... the door closed...

...I was almost last man standing...taking the MRT back...
2022 continues...