Some gathering with old coworkers in Taiwan
I met some old friends recently...

I started the meeting with going to a coffee store in Taipei city...

..."simple Kaffa"...

...they had plenty of coffee types...

...and they recommended some Ethiopian coffee...cus it was their most recent coffee...they told me...

...they were also selling a lot of stuff...

...and had interesting interiors...

..and some x-mas decoration...(i think)...

..and some awards...

...and were pouring coffee behind their desk... of their famous baristas was called "Berg"...

...they also put some device on the filter...

...I also passed by the culture cretive park...watching a guy doing Diabolo...

...while I was enjoying a Tiramis, that I bought at the coffee shop... was ok...4 out of 5...but a little soft...(maybe due ot the temperature)...

...a lot of cream...

...and my Ethiopian coffee...

...the Diaboo guy also used some in the audience for his performance...

...I also saw some poster...saying that people should pay atention to where they are walking to avoid injury...I wonder if I ever will see a poster like that in Sweden... stop was a 7-11 with pink interiors...

...and Hooters...

...I met Mr S..who has a super mario inspired shirt...

...many hooter girls was inside...

...they were dancing...

...Jens was also there...he got some long hair now...

...omg...we got some cockroach in the beer...(or some insect)...

...the mini burger of hooters...

...and nacho plate...

...and some sign...that was hard to read...(maybe missing a comma)...

...fried jalapeno...

...and plenty of beer...

...people in the gang asking each other to go up to compete...

...some in the staff showing how it is done...

...later we chilled outside...

...and had to total 14.000:ish ntd...

heading to next stop...

...the Brass monkey...

...not that full...for being a saturday...

...more mngeling...

...and playing pool...

...and some football game..

...and had some drink...

...and more mingeling...

..later on we headed to Gongguan, at the water fron plaza...

...william ordered some pizza...

...and Anders was hiding...

...William ordered more pizza...since the first pizza never came...

...then some pizza rrived...

...this guy was making them...he worked here for 5.5 years...I recognize him from back in the days...

...we was using some italian tomato sauce (even if our frensh ex-coworker complained about the flavour)... (and I thought it was a pizza bianco)...

...we also got to try the cheese...

...he even had some parmesan smelling cheese (but we coudnt taste it on our first pizzas)...

...the team...

...william ordering more pizza...since his first orders never came...

...then some more pizza arrived...

...and more pizzas...

....and more again...

..a lot of pizzas at 3am...

...I ended the day by helping Jens catching a cab...back to his place in Xindian...
2022 continues...