Another day in Kaohsiung (march 2022)
I concluded that cherry tomatoes are concluded a fruit...

...atleast in hotel breakfast...

...asian style breakfast is uually rice and noodles...(in hotels)...I had the omellete and some potato...

...omg..kaohsiung is more gender equal than they safety zone in night is for all genders...

...heading for a rock show...

...i got informed that my friends favorite movie is Castle in the sky:

...I had some cheese my friends birthday event...

...some philippino singer was performing...pretty skilled...

...they had many taps...but more or less all were closed...

...outside many vendors were selling stuff (at Pier 2)...

...there was also the music festival going in...

...I was told that this brisket was the best...

...some other food stands...

...and stone decoration...

...Later I headed to this old bar...

...they had some funny painting...(i was told that this bar was very old)...

...I had some nice fried platter here..

...and later saw many drunk kids outside of the fetsival area...

...and some cool zebra crossing...(looked like a bump from a certain angle)...

...I ended the day by concluding that 7-11 has some some places...