All you can eat steak at Jimmy's Kitchen, The top visit and mingle at Yuanshan
I went to Jimmy's kitchen recently.. use to be a fancy steak house...they had fancy interiors... lunch time it was a full buffet...

...seafood, steaks and desserts...

...this guy made the steaks...

...I had a lot of seafood...

...and dessert...

....and steak...(I had to ask for extra thick)...cut they usually cut thin slizes here...

...more dessert...

...more dessert...

...we were also allowed to bring our own beers...

...more seafood...and steak...

...the symbol for men...

..the symbol for women... the nearby MRT station I saw retro... stop was some mart...

...before heading to "the top"... was up here somewhere...

...taking taxi from Tianmu...

..taking us higher and higher...

...once arrived (they open at 17.00)...we got a queue we got some drinks while waiting...

...many philippinos were also here...

...Mr WSC picked the red seat...once it was our time to pick table...

...Taipei 101 in the horizon... was a littlbit chilly...but still ok...(many people in the background taking pics)...

...pic ater pic...

..selfies and some dancing...

...some chocolate was ordered...

...and some rose tea or something...

...the clouds slowly disapeared as the sun was about to set...

...we also got some mozzarells sticks (but compare to Taboo club, these actually contained cheese)...

...later I ended up plane spotting...

...since we could see a nearby airport...

...each departure and arrival...

...later I also had some coconut juice...

...and once the sun set...the laps appeared... time we might barBQ here...

...omg...the transformers car that I use to see in Xinyi...

...a quick visit to Wenhua university was paid...

...and some art center...

...and a visit to Yuanshan..where people dance...

...and some beer bar...(local beer)...

...Mr WSC bought a T-shirt...

...the beer where was brewed in Longtan and in Wugu...(it was possible to visit the Wugu brewery II was told)...

...I also had some dried fish and almonds, tasting like fish food...

I ended the day by inspecting locals these korean or western boy bands...