All you can eat in Taipei (early march edition)
I passed by an all you can eat recently...

It was hotpot..but they also had sashimi...

...some fresh buffet...

...and some drinks and icecream...

...and sauce...

...first batch...

...squid...(with big eyes)...

...I tried to eat as much of this as possible...

...I also got some strange foam on my tea...

...and I had some "chocolate beef curry" was interesitng...(central american meets india?)...

...more sashimi...

...the "icecream" was some frozen chocolate milk...(or ice)...

...I also went all in on shrimps...

...and some icecream with chocolate cereals...

...intersting "take aways"...pads, tissues and floss..

...the day ended with some interesting sign...not toilet?...