A visit to Yilan and Jiaoxi
I re-made a visit to Yilan recently..

...buying some cheap whisky on the way...just cus it was so cheap (50sek for 750ml(3 year aged scottish whisky)...

...quickly tasting some american bourbon with Mr WSC on the track...before departure...

Omg...Ms T sitting on the seat for disabled people...

...turtle island in the horizon, once reaching the east coast...

...99% of the time when I try to catch a target (taking a photo)...a tree or pole ends up covering...exactly at the poto moment..

...it was fairly cloudy but no rain...

...we also got some free tasting...what a good timing...usually this tasting even it closed...

...they promoted their most exclusive whisky we were told...

...omg...some nice bottle...

...and a range of styles...

...after some 20 minutes in their gift shop we waited for a taxi (yilan is more convenient if you access a car or a scooter I guess)...

...I also bought some local beers...the brewery's name is Kind car...

...Later a visit to a chicken restaurant was made...

...I went here long time ago with yingian...it was a nice place...

...I got a whole chicken for my self..including feet and head...(taiwan style (I guess))...

..equiped with 2 kind of gloves...

...20 minutes later...

...they were BBQing the chicken in these barrels...

...next stop was the cheese bread store...(but the cheese bread was sold out...I got the last one from maybe yesterdays batch)...

...and then, as the tradition tells...a visit to Yilan beer bar...

...omg..i thought I got draft beer...but it seems they they were pouring it form a can in the fridge...

...barley beer and rye beer (i think)...

...we also passed by the spicy store...
also mentioned in my youtube movie about the same trip, somce years ago:

...omg...the sauce the the left was their most spicy sauce 3210000 on the Scoville scale...

... I had a local icecream instaead...

...it was Makao flavour...tasted like some pepper...

...except for also buying a spicy beer...I tried to focus on not that hot items...some thing in this store can be pretty painful...
2022 continues...