A visit to Nankan Habier brewery and GBA brewery
I went to Nankan recently...

...walked on the path to Habier brewery...

...passing SHLs liufu office...

...omg...I was told that this was a fake car logo...

...next stop: Habier brewery...

...we also went to the old "frog place" (where we use to eat lunch long time ago...and they have frog on the menu)...

...and later we returned back to Habier brewery...

...they had 2 new taps, directly from their fridge...

...trying pilsner, witbeer and some Kölsh...

...the Kölsh tasted like some grapes...(or just fruity)...

...sipping more and more with the owner...

...I got a lot of foam...

...they also had a porter...

...the owner use to work with asceptic stuff...so hygiene was very important for him...

...I also bought a barrel...

...we got it in a cool insulation box...

...and we had to empyt it a little, cus it was too heavy..

...may miitary trucks passed by...

...at Mr WSC we had some more beer...

...it tasted good...but felt like the bubbles disapeared by now...

...also we went to the roof top...checking the mountains...

...and the airport...

...plane spotting...

...useing flightradar app...

...I also found out that many new geocaches were places in nankan...

...later we headed to Linkou...and the taxi played some latino music...

...Mr WSC sang along...

...next stop: GBA brewery...

...we had pizza and tacos..

...and some wraps...

...with a loooong recepit...

...later we passed by a cigar place...but didnt enter...

...omg..."söt" café...(söt means "cute" in swedish)...

...the last stop was a bar near Linkous airport MRT station...where they had some nice music....
Baibai Mr Stöckli...who will work in Switzerland from next week!