A trip to Ruishui
I made a trip to Ruishui recently...

...prepared my self by drinking some milk (since a lot of milk supposely comes from Ruishui (they say)...

...omg...they had swedish oatly at 7-11...

...I bought chocolate and chicken for the trip...

...the trian had swedish...or ukrainian colors...

...some new free way between yilan and hulian

...and the ocean...

...some concrete facotry making thee lines in nature...thre was some debate between Truku indigenous people and some factory (however...many indigenous worked at the factory)...not sure who has the interest in this matter...

...some art in hualien...

...and some indigenous lanugage...

..."Lokah su"...hi in taia lanugage...

...same as Malusu in Truku language I think...

...some art..local claims that no one knows who put this up, nor what it suppose to symbolize...

...some store in hualien...that is said to be traditional...

...I also spotted some friend on a Amis poster...

...omg amis girls...

...I also passed by some festival for family picnic...

...they had burgers...

...I had a cheese burger...

...many fmailies having picnic...

...I also pased by a beer place...

...made in nantou...

...omg...many hello kitty stuff...

...100 and 150nt for their 2 kinds of beer...

...and they also had whisky..

...they also had some indigenous lanugage day at a local coffee shop...

...I had a belgian beer...(i think)...

...funny sign for slippery surface...

...I found that many places in taiwan looks like this...walls are mainly a metallic plate...that is merged to iran pole...

...often integrated in nature...

...I also found interesting art...

...and a character that is so rare...that they added bpmf to explain how it is pronunced)...(I think i have seen it before in Taidong)...

...later I headed here for some special fish...

...they had a lot of sea food...

...and drop coffee..

first dish...

...second dish...the bones were slimey...

and some indigenous vegetables...

...and the fish meat...

...after the fish experisnce I headed south...

...for some competition...in ruishui...staying a vough hostel...

...omg...the supermarket in ruishui made me feel like I was in the alps...not sure why...

...I found many icelandic beers here...

...I ended they day with some pizza...I heard its good food before a competition...