A revisit to Kavalan tribe in Fengbing
I went to Fengbing recently...

...trying a beer from iceland...on the way...

...passing some kavalan and amis village...

...and some festival...

...it was partly raining...

...and the ocean side (east coast)...

...some forrest (locals belive that ghosts live here...so no one dares to go there (and cut the trees)...

...they have these spots on several places at the east coast...

...I passed here by bike some years ago...

...kavalan restaurant...

...my old coin is still here...

...some local lobsters (or imported)...

...sippin beer with locals...

...omg...wood, concrete and eletricity...I wonder how water safe it is...

...local dog..

...some meat in car...some eat it raw...

...more local food...

...some liver etc...


...and crab (from yilan)...

..it was ok...bigger than the river crabs in pingdong...

...more traditional food...

...this fish was made for me...

...later sippin beer and eating snacks at this scenic spot...

...sesamy snacks...and black peanuts...

---inspecting the local restaurant kitchen...

...before taking the bus north...

..."daole"...(arrived)...heading to hualien...

...many concrete blocks to protect the seaside (i guess from landslides)...

...some small island)...

...and a ship far far away...

...omg coconut trees...

...later a visit to a hongkong restaurant was paid...

...I had a creme brulé...it was good...
2022 continues...