A hongkong documentary and Taipei hang out

I went to see a documentary recently about hongkongs umbrella movement...
...some cartoon advertisement at the theater...
...the documentary was made by most people living under other names...to protect themselves from chinese government...
...it was pretty sad story...maybe they can show this one on Swedish TV...
...it seems like there is a new Batman movie coming up soon...
...nexst stop...Zhangmen at xinyi...
...I tried a New England IPA and some coffee beer (there is a lot of coffee beers here recently)...
...view over 101...
...many people here today...compare to "back in the days"...when I seldom see people enjoying the outdoor environment here...
...I was watching some presentation about Taiwan Indigenous (from female perspective) held by a swedish university...
..101 had the colours of Ukrainian flag...(and swedish)...
...later on a stop in nangang was made...
...where I tried some belgian strawberry beer...
...I remember that locals sometimes call "pasta" "noodles"...and on this menu even lasanga was under the "noodle" headline...
...I also tried dried mushrooms...which was a littlebit sweet...tasting like cereals...
...the lassange...
...a pizza (like a bianco)...
...I also found some whisky to be extremely cheap at a nearby store...I wonder if it really is pure whisky in the bottles...I might investigate later this week...


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