A visit to the forrest...
I went for some search for mushrooms recently...

...out in the forrest...

...I saw some cool spider web...

...and picked a lot of blue berries...
it was fun...(I also got 2 bags of summer mushrooms)...
Iron Maiden concert at Ullevi 2022
I joined an Iron Maiden concert recently...

...it was sold out...many people walked towards the show very early...

...I went to a nearby park...

...I bought 2 iron maiden beers for the occation...

....later I went to some pre-party with some old classmates...

...and had a burger...

...they had some music and beer garden...

...Mr VG had a burger as well...

...later we went to the arena...

...some staff informing that this is for stand up tickets...

...many people at the arena...

...they had folköl (3.5% beer)...at the arena...else one had to go to some other part of the arena...(outside)...

...I was waiting for the song "fear of the dark"...

...they had some cartoons for some songs...

...and some special lightning...

...Mr CB was singing along...he is very funny...

...I bught a beer later at a bar...which they never opened...(officially illegal)...

...I also went to a kebab place...they never seem to have mashed potato here...even if it is on the menu...strange...

...i had some Pita...

...and later some friends wanted to go to Bee bar or gretas ...it was fun...

...BK was smoking...and some funny immigrants were telling us that white people could not have short hair..cus then they would be nazis...while dark people can have short hair. Interesting opinion.

...Mr CB was fooling around...
Tomorrow his friends will return to Värmland...
2022 continues...
Random events at the west coast
I was near Alingsås recently...

...fixing a bridge...

..I also visited a pizza buffet...

...and went to some steampunk bar...
...it was fun...
A geocahing run
I was told about a hard geocache fomr a friend I met at a recent beer run...

...I also observed a cool drawing...

...the geocache was near skatås...but it was not there anymore...according to my observations...(also it was pretty high...reuiring a ladder or a rope)...

...I ended up eating blueberries instead...
Some Gothenburg chill
I was chillin in Gothenburg recently...

...having a kebab roll...

...some beer...

...Mr KJ and White D was there...
Gothenburg Beer run (Öl-loppet 2022)
I attended a beer run recently...

...I met up Karl prior to take off...he is funny...with many ideas...

..he also thought he knew the way...but we ended up walking extra long (which is good..since I am counting steps)...

...checking the GPS...

...arrived to Rådanäs brewery...

...I was No 8...

...people drinking and chilling...

...minutes to take-off...

...and here we go...

...first beer stop...

...I tried this one...

...second stop...

...I had this one..

...the court was marked with orange ribbons...

...Karl flet like walking for a while...

...omg...giant pot holes...

...third stop...I got some extra beers here...

...we stayed here for some time...

...until we rushed to the end...

...where we drank and chilled more...

...and a buy in läder hausen...similar to my outfit...

...they also had a pool...

...I tried these ones...

...they also had some food truck...

...I had 2 wraps...one with hallumo and one with some meat...

...they were good...

...and I got some bonus chips...

...more beer...after some minutes...

...people taking some swim...

...and Martin...the event host...he was funny...

...more people swiming...

...I also went under the porch to get some bottle opener that was dropped..

...later on we ended up back in gothenburg...at B.K....it was a fun day...
Garden chill
I spent a lot of time in the garden recently...

...a lot of herbs, flowers and other plants growing...
Hot days passing by
There has been som recent heat in Europe...(after all...it is the warmest month of the year)...

...roughtly 30-37 degrees in southern sweden...
Some Friday events at the west coast
I dropped by office some time ago...

...and crashed a beer class...

...some people were teaching the brewing process...

...and the sweet spot of making beer...

...and also shared some new equipment to bost the flavour...

...or the best glasses to taste a beer...

...and different kind of popcorn...

...later on I was invited for some local club...

...they did not have a DJ...instead they placed a dummy at the DJ booth...

...local kids were pressing the buttons...

...and the staff got worried that some one might spill on the equipment...

...Mr D was there...

..and he was also filming..

...the staff fixing stuff...

...a wrongly angled street light was also observed...
Random July events at the west coast
I make a lot of mashed potato recently...

...since I dumpstered about 50 kilo...(I plant some in the garden)...

...frying chicken...

...leaving my brother...who is heading to Zürich (super early in the morning)...

...I also went to some Folköls sale event...

...this place use to be in Floda...but now the moved to Gohenburg, Svingeln..

...I also had some amazing apple cake...

...I got some documentary about China recommended...

...and I paid a visit to a pizza buffét...
A theater session in Vara
I went to some country side theater recently..

...I was first suppose to join some strawberry event with indians...but it was postponed (or cancelled)...

...the theater had a funny toilet solution for men..."pinka ute"...meaning: "pee outside"...

...the cast was presented...

...Mr D was dressed up in a hat...

...many old people were there...

...it was in a barn..pretty cosy...

...it was a "buskis" episode...

...and some coffee break...

...second act...

..and the finish...

...the indians chilled with me in the back...

...later on we went for kebab pizza...

...and I made apple juice...

...long summer days are still passing by...
A Gothenburg hang around
I went to gothenburg recently...

...for some hang around...beer and sausage...

...and pizza...

...and some other 24 hour open place...

..they had random stuff...

...but recommended this...

..i got the cake with a lot of cream...

...and some mascarpone...it was soso...

...and old dishes hanging around...
I remember being here some 1-2 decades ago...
Dumpster frenzy
I have recnetly got a lot of dumsptered food

...donating a lot to friends...

...and making some myself...but it is easy to gain weight in these times...

...some I plant outside...

...I make a lot of rösti...

...and also guaucamole...

...enjoyig the longest days of the year...
2022 continues...
Some summer days passing by
I went to some buffet recently...

...ath the golden days...

...it was pretty good...

...with several dishes...

...I also spotted an old looking bus (as ofthe 90'ies)...

...and some brochure about abuse...strangely enough it was also translated to arabic...(why not to other languages such as finish, chinese or german?)...

I also saw a street light that was error...(had to see in this pic though)...