dumpstered food and 28+ star restaurant visit
I dumpstered a lot of food recently...

...meat and cheese...

and some vegetables was what the dumpster offered...

...I also studied some satanist course and I also ept doing research about happiness...one book claimes that belaive in something is good for your happines, even i it means "belive in science"....

...I also passed by a local brewery...

...its name is Vega...

...later on I also went to a restaurant with a star in guide Michellin..."28+"...where I tried many dishes...these were some petit choux...

...I took a lot of bread....

...some fois gras...with pear flavour I think....

...and some roe? with potato chips...

...they alwyas put the fork upside down...so that it wont slide away...(they told me)...

...some pasta...

...and some sea food?

...and meat...

...and some nice foam...

...and finally some cakes...

...looked like some taiwanese biscuit...
2021 continies...