Mid summer day events

I had some lions mane coffee recently...
...I heard it was good...but not sure what the research says...
...plenty of classic cars on the west coast...
...a world heritage...since the ocean level was 17 meters higher back then...
Not sure how many of these places there is...but it was interesting...
...nice view...with some comparisons...
...and some other cool building and places...
...and some other nuclear area...which was a unique nature back in the days...
...more classic cars...
...there are a lot of stone carvings near the ocean side...they had stone carving images on their "keep distance" signs...
...I also pased by a local brewery...
This area of sweden is famous for their oyseters...90% of the swedihs oysters come from here...
...and some sea food platter...
...not sure about the difference between this and the japanese one...this did not taste as salty as I remember...
...but it was not that white as the japanese one...
...many restaurants had interesting interiors...
...and some had plenty of local beer...
...it said "starköl" but was 4.2%...I thought the difference was at above 4.5%...
...another oyster bar...
...and some whale bone?...
...omg a Giant bike...made in taiwan...
...later I went to a church to try to find an old friends grave...
...I was looking for some time without any posotive results...
...I emailed the church asked for a description of the graves position...
...and later on spotted the flag of bohuslän...
Some traditional swedish tent called a "kåta"...
..."17 meters higher sea level back in the days"...
...and some other stuff like swedish shaman bags...
...and stone carves images...on hats...
...it was all "Unesco" protected...
...they also served some biscuits...
...and had herbs outside the local museum...
...more stone carve images...
...i might be a bigger fan of rune stones...cus its text rather than interpretations of images...
...some filled in the images with red painting...
...some timeline vs amount and distnace to the ocean...
...also same stone as near my moms island...
...more stone carvings...
...and some cool image...
...later on I passed by a friends home village...close to my parents house...
2021 continues...


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