Mixed VOBruary events
In sweden, if you are taking care of your sick kid, you get some kind of refund from the government, it is called "VAB"....due to thatmany people have home office...I got the impresstion that it was renamed "VOB" (https://www.civilekonomen.se/verktyg/vabba-eller-vobba)...and february is famous for being the month when most kids (and people in general) are sick...(coldest month of the year in most countries in the north)

...I also passed by the dentist quickly...

...and inspected some street art with snow...

...and passed mr Yu...

...had some asian food...very nice...

...and later on some knödel...(kroppkaka in swedish)

...and got some poster about beer...

...and had a burger with meat and one taste of a hallumi burger...

...I also revisited an icecream bar with beer ice cream...it was nice...but i likes the lebledor icecream in taiwan better...

...I also had a semla...(vanilla flavour)...

...and some other food...