Random happenings on a November day
It was a partly cloudy november day...

...but some sun...

Heading to Pizzeria Tomas that was one of the top 5 kebab pizzerias in Gothenburg accoridng to some Matkom youtube channel...
The list:

...this was number 5...I guess among all in gothenburg area...

...interesting interiors (they also had alot of new york pictures)...

...the pizza was ok...(i think i have eaten this pizza once before in my life)...

...some randon stone raised in gothenburg...probably a grave...

...hurray...they wrote "inlines" and not "rollerblades" at the train station, so prefessional...

...later on I had some nachos...

...and visited the Beebar quickly...

they gave me a caffein free coffee drink...it was good...