Chillin in da lounge
I went to a lounge recently...

In gothenburg...

it was corona adapted but still very nice...

...i remember the lounge in stockholm back in the days....i have not beed to the gothenburg lounge that many times...

...I was wearing a tie...and cardigan with sporty accessories...IT billionaire look is the most a CIS society for young people

Later on I chilled with the indians...and had some nice fish dish...
Food events in Gothenburg
I went for sushi with some people recently...duscussing argumentation fallacies...

It was nice with sushi...even if i prefere sashimi.

I also got a free burger later on... (y)

...and fixed a flat tire at the bike kitchen....they are moving somewhere though...the future will tell where...
Chillin at the west coast
I paid a quick visist to a cafe in Alingsås some time ago

They had some italian pasteries...

This guy recomennded some special dish...

...lemon and chocolate cake...and coffee...

...there was also a pizza all you can eat... the old after work...back in the days...but corona safe...

...alot of sauce...

I was Mr Pink...but had a blue mask as a handkerchief...

...and there was some disco outside...i could practice some shuffling and walking man...

I also tried some other beers at an other classic empty bar...
Nepalese food, burger and mushrooms
I went to a nepaese place recently...

I love nepal

I also went to a new burger was empty so corona safe...

I had some recommended burger...they didnt have permit to sell beer...except folk beer...I tried a coconut milkshake...

I also went picking mushrooms...

...I guess its possible to pick until december...

Later a visit to a greek resturant was paid...

...and an attempt to dry the mushrooms in a rather cold garage... (prefereable drying temp is closer to 40 degrees C)...
Food adventure at lindholmen
I tried some beers recently

I got some tasters at a was good for my app...

...Later I also had some kebab with some people

...and passed byt the bike kitche...

...was purple for the day...

...I also did some distance visit with Mr D and Mr K...

And passed by Mr Min

He has a twin...

And he had some chinese food...

...and alot of rice...

..omg a palette flower with a flower...

I also got some special fruit, that is popular in china and taiwan...
2020 continues...
Random happenings on a November day
It was a partly cloudy november day...

...but some sun...

Heading to Pizzeria Tomas that was one of the top 5 kebab pizzerias in Gothenburg accoridng to some Matkom youtube channel...
The list:

...this was number 5...I guess among all in gothenburg area...

...interesting interiors (they also had alot of new york pictures)...

...the pizza was ok...(i think i have eaten this pizza once before in my life)...

...some randon stone raised in gothenburg...probably a grave...

...hurray...they wrote "inlines" and not "rollerblades" at the train station, so prefessional...

...later on I had some nachos...

...and visited the Beebar quickly...

they gave me a caffein free coffee was good...
Some Partille event with Mr Chu
I took my cruiser east recently...

(i planned to join a critical mass event in Gothenburg, butno one announced that they will cancel...even if i couldnt find anyone...too bad I went there in vain)...but I got use of my cruiser some time later...

...headed to Oves in Partille...

...I had fish and burger...

...some cocona safe queue...

...later we headed to the truimf glass icecream store...

...I had a beer ice cream... was big and good...

...Mr Chu cycling uphills in Partille...
2020 continues...
Chill with KJ
I eath mushrooms almost everyday...

...they are getting less and less...

I med KJ at beerista some time ago...

...and tried some local beer...(it was only us, and some other table of people there 4pax))...seems like a calm evening..

...we had some of my exclusive Blue Label...

We also tried this one as a refernce... was pretty strong...
Empty restaurant visit etc
I visited KFC recently...

...and tried some chicken was rather empty there...

...later I had a meeting with a friend..and had some fish...

...and had mushrooms later on too..

...and some more was pretty good...

Empty restaurant visit etc
I visited KFC recently...

...and tried some chicken was rather empty there...

...later I had a meeting with a friend..and had some fish...

...and had mushrooms later on too..

...and some more was pretty good...

Some B-day events
A b-day happened...

I got some reese's form Sofia...sweet...

...inspecting the leaves on the ground... some places there are far more...

...they will soon be gone though...

..also on the gras...

...I wonder if i use a lawn mower...all the leave will disapear...

...also the bridge were carried up...(as lake level inreases by winter time)...

...some indian restaurant was visited later...

I had some interesting dessert...

For the record, I was wearing a usual...(received when I was in korea back in the days)...
Some mushroom picking event with folks...
A blue skied autumn day...

Pretty view over the lake I must say...

Passing a coffee shop on the way...

Mr Anders were teaching the kids...even on a saturday

Some nice combo, B-day gift...

...and some berries...

...and some russule...


...alot of mushrooms...just need to learn to find them...

I also made a circle with stones...just for fun...

A group of kids walking on the way...

...passing some scenic sight...

...and had to pass some forest to get back...

...once back, there was alot of mushrooms to dry...

...I also pased by the supermarket...and found x-mas decoretions...(supposely used 1s of dec to 13th of jan)

...and some mini pumpkins...(supposely used at end of october-beginning of november)

...and some semlor (suposely eaten in middle of february)

Some free store for people who reads swedish...(spotted in the paper)...
Random events at the west coast in november
I tried some burger... was good...

...many lights were on at the footbal fields...

I also saw "hi" in many languages...
Restaurant visit in early nov
I visited a burger bar some time ago.. was good...but the staff charged me super much for the food...until i asked them to count differently...

...also a visit to an icecream store was made...

...some awards...

...and some student place...

...where I had a pizza...

...I also visited some brew house...

...and cycled the autumn weather...
2020 continues...
Halloween times
Its halloween times...

3 pumpkins were lighted this year...

Brown, red and yellow + green trees...

Some kitchen pic....(just for fun)...