Jinx Taiwan style food truck and beer outlet
I went to a taian style food truck recently...

It was i gothenburg city...

I had some buns...

Later I went to the O/O brewery for some beer outlet...

It was a temporary store here...

They also had some stickers...

They were selling 1 kind of beer called Pivot...

They also had some frendh wine barrels for flavouring the beer I was told...
...2020 continues...
Beer outlet and pubcrawl

It was at the Ocean brewery in Mölndal

They had different offers..., I ended up having a mixed box. Last time i was here they were all sould out...i had to be here early this day...

Later I went to a bar and had a beer...with friends who also had ber of different colours...

..later we went to another bar...new colour of the beer...

I saw some funny "...was here" sticker in the toilet...maybe I should make one of those...

I saw some funny sticker, mentioning god as well...interesting...
A visit to a BBQ place
I visited a BBQ recently

They had some turkish or arabic style BBQ...

I had some Salgam, it was red and a littlebit spicy...

It was also free refill of salad this time...(unlike last time)...

The desert was pretty good too...
Random may adventures at the west coast
I went to a local bar recently...

Paddington at the east side of gothenburg...

...I tried their burger...and had a local beer (i try many kinds nowadays for my beer app called untappd)...

I later on made some pizza...

And prepared some elder flower juice...

...later I also checked the stores in gothenburg area...they had some promotion...

I also bought some local beer...(pretty local)...

...and visited a pizzeria (highly ranked one in gothenburg)...

...with free pizza salad...

...Kebab pizza...

Later I went to the supermarket with Oliver who was looking for discounted products...


etc...2020 continues...
A trip to Bohuslän
I made a quick visit to Bohuslän recently

Bringing Hops of unknown kind...but I heard it was a female...

Planted it along a pole...

And got some nice dinner...

I also tried wine and chocolate...

And tasted different kinds of whiskey...

And i found some oysters...

I heard this was a japanese kind of oyster...not the traditional swedish one...

I found some sample...

Crack open...

Random may events at the west coast
It was hailing in may recently...

...it has ben rather cold some people said, for being may...

..but the apple trees has alot of flowers...

.I made pizza...

...with alot of cheese...

...I also had a coffee...

and some terramisu...

And some other sallad in a greek restaurant...

I also made a temporary table of an electrical box...

...and found eggs in the nature... probably from some big bird...

...later on I alsy tried some bread and olives at some local place in gothenburg...
A quick visit to Österlen
I went to Österlen recently

Passing by the salmon house in halland on the way down...

...houses like these are typical in österlen...(similar to some german architecture)...

Peaceful coastline...

next food stop some herring place in kivik...

...i had a seafood burger...

...blue sky...

...i had some local beer...

...next stop; simrishamn...

on a walk with the folks...

...next burger in simrishamn...

and later on i stopped at knäbäckshusen...near the ocean...

...sme hours later..in early morning...a visit to the bakery in S Mellby was done...

...blue sky...

I was digging a ditch...

...1 meter deep...

...and later I went for some geocaching...

...sometimes stony sometimes sandy beach...

...with some swans...

...I also tried some local juice...

...on the way back I observed yellow fields...2020 continues...
Windy days in Alingsås
I encounted some windy days in alingsås recently...

I also fixed a bridge...

I also went for a BBQ with some local people...
Some beer session with south sweden people
I went to have a beer recently with some gothenburg people

I tried this beer...to start with...

The health inspection was here..informing and checking that the bar applied the rules of distance...

I was here with these 2 guys...

Later I went to notting hill...and had a stout...

It was 79 sek. I have my app, so i want to try new beers every now and then...
Notting hill had some wierd cusotmer this day...
Useless folköl sale out
I went to some outlet recently to support a brewery with some folköl buying...

but they sold out pretty fast...and didnt announce...too bad...I guess next time I have to be there the second they open...
A lunch visit to Dubbelgården
I visited the taiwanese restaurant Dubbelgården recently...

I also got some dumplings from my friend Anders...

It is corona season. some of my taiwanese friends are soo funny, they think everything is open as usual in sweden...people with prejudice (who speaks them out) are so funny...

I had alot of food at this restaurant...(all u can eat)...
Some may events 2020
I went to marstrand in may...

I was debating weather i should have fish n chips or hamburger..but I was eventuelaly recommended hamburger...

I was driving combat boat to there...

...it was a very sunny day...

..and blue sky...

Later on I got some pineapple cake...they were very good...
Some Alingsås hang outs
I went to Alingsås recently...

And inspected some cakes

...and had some indian chai latte...hanging with Sofia, inspecting some local stores...

I also found a trappist beer in a store...it was from austria...

...later on I was treated some spicy fish...

...and got some pancakes...

...with koreander beans...

The pancakes was almost like "naan bread"...
Folköl and nettle soup
I went to a local brewery recently...

Many ot them start to sell folköl...since thats liegal in sweden (maximum 3.5% alcohol). thye had 3 kinds...I also asked if Alingsås brewery wants to sell folköl, but they reply that they dont offer folköl...too bad...

I also headed to alingsås shortly...

Fixed a bridge...

And I also picked nettle...

...and made some nettle soup...pretty good...if u ask me...
2 gothenburg eat outs
I went for alunch near kungs torget recently...

They had hamburger on their menu...

But I went for bacon and onian sauce...

Later on in the evening I went ot the burger chain store Max...where I had some random burger...

I also had some chocolate milkshake...it was ok, but not amazing...
2020 continues...