Alingsås 400 years celebration weekend
I recently made a quick visit to Gothenburg archipelago

On a ferry...

It is pretty windy out in the islands...

I also had a burger in gothenburg later...

Me and my taiwanese friend are testing some burger places...

"Tugg" was said to be is in the very central of gothenburg...

I adjusted the stump castle a bit too...

It might crack in the long run...but art is often not forever...

I also spent some time trying t find the most recent donald duck comic, where they are in Gothenburg...

I also met up with some indian friends...

The Swedish princess was in town...

She was waiving alot...i guess its a common day in her life...

I alter on had a kebab pizza...

And we dd some celeb spotting later on...or atleast tried to see any celebrities...

I mom was having a speech with the princess, we tried to see if they were done...

Many people wer ewatching some famous singers doing sound check...

Magnus Carlsson...who is from outside Borås...

Later on they had quite some performance...

I ended the stay by harvesting some potatoes...
Hash run in Gothenburg in sept 2019
I joined a hashrun recently

It was in partille...around 25ish people showed up...

Me and some runners...(most people were walking)...

We had to sip some beer afterwards...

It was fun...I like the hashrun...a relaxed way do run on tails etc...

Some members been active since the beginning of this club...some 15 years ago...

I also spotted rose hip...

Which I boiled...

...And made to a soup...
Events on the west coast (sept 2019 edition)
I tried some local beer recently...(as so often)...

at 2112...with my coworker from Taiwan

It was a local IPA...

I was told that their burgers suppose to be good...

Some day later I went to the swedish archipelago...

...Checking nice clifs at orust...

Omg...a rainbow...

Some days later I got a cake...

And saw a sign that water should be used when drinking beer....

And tried a burger...

And some meat...

Some time later I tried a Gårdsöl at another burger bar...

And a burger (the burger restaurants name was "the barn")...

I also had a Skördeöl...

(and i tried an oyster)...not that common in sweden...

omg...some Peruviean consul was here too...

I ended the event by having some burger leftovers with alot of sauce...2019 continues...
Late summer events
I wanted to make a robust propeller, so I got some wings from a fan

and set 5 of them on a wooden bar, with an axis...

I never had a propeller made of wood (a quick fix) that lasted more then 1 month here near the big lake...

Some potatoes are soon done

and the wooden castle...

Sunsen a la sept

I later played cards with some indians....

Who insisted of switching each turn...but in the same sequence...

It was amusing

We also decorated with some flowers...

And I had a spicy chicken...

And keps fixing the stump...

and the propeller...

I also end up cleaning the lakeside form trash...tricky...

And i made some wooden art...

Looks more like a bird than a cow...
Mingling in Gothenburg
I was mingeling in gothenburg some time ago

I tried some pita

And some local beer

I also had a lot of non alcoholic beer

And some more nachos...

And some other beer...I also got this app untappd, so I can log the beers...
Reminder of jan 2019
A song I heard when visiting this place:
Some Ramen place in gothenburg
I passed by a Ramen restaurant recently

It was japanese style, so I had a japanese beer...

And some spicy noodles...

My friend brought some muchrooms he picked, for me to investigate...we also passed by a beer place...just for fun...

I also went to