Second saturday in April
It was around 5-10 degrees this april day

I was thinking of paasing by Mjörn by west side...björboholm and östad..but ended up the favorite route since some decade away...normal route...

I made one of my signature dishes rösti and some beer...

Sunny day...

I also fixed some olde jeans...using my moms new sewing machine...
Dumpster diving food and peanutbutter cup icecream
I go dumpster diving once in a while

And I got alot of artichoke recently...its pretty good...

I als got to try some peanutbutter cup use to be my favorite at coldstone...good before heading out for a bike tour...
Bike selling event
I helped my friend with a bike event recently...

We use to support when it comes to fixing bikes...they had around 60 bikes on sale...

I later on tried another hamburger and some non alcoholc beer...(local)...before I cyceled to Alingsås...just for fun...
Hamburger all you can eat in Gothenburg
I went to an Hamburger all you can eat in gothenburg recently

They had alot of sauces...

Mostly dressing was on my plate...

I think I had 7 or 8 burgers...

Later I also passed by a 20th year birthday...of a friend of a friend...2019 continues...
Warm days in gothenburg
Warm days in Gothenburg are passing by

And the days become longer and longer...recently also summer time was entered...

Some castle in the middle of gothenburg
Like Apnea
I hold my breath now, I know it will be painful soon, atleast after a while, but I also know it will be temporary.
hash run and spring events
I joined a hash run recently...

alot of people at my friends place...

We had hotdog...

...omg...its 16 degrees some days but also hailing other days...spring weather delivers...

I also had some beer at some random place...

...and was treated some nice dinner in gothenburg city...

...with creme brule...

...I also had a drink, which the bartender composed himself...

...and Alondra...

...some day later I joined anohter event hosted by a company...alot of free food...

I ended with an umbrella drink...2019 continues....
Random events in gothenburg
I passed by cykelköket recenrtly

Got some cheap bike and free food...

...donuts and cinnamon buns...

I later went to a fusion restaurant...and had ginger beer...

and played some curling:ish sport with some friends later...

...and later on I played yenga...

after this I went to a nepalease place...

...I tried this beer...

...and this nepealese food...

later on I tried more ginger beer...

...the day after I went to a new restaurant...and had some czech hamburger (meat patty is replaced with cheese)...

I also had some czech beer...

...the middle one is called a "gallop" i was told...
Semlor and other spring events at the west coast
I had a semla recently...

...alot of fat...I like it...

Some relatives passing by...

and brudaremossens TV-mast in the horizon...

...daytime delivers blue sky...

I also went to a bar which had some award...i been here a couple of times before...

...I also had a grebbestad beer...pretty interesting...

...I also had some kladdkaka (swedish brownie)...

...and more semlor...

...I went with an old classmate to his favorite restaurant...2019 continues...
Baibai towel and a trip west
I throw away a towel recently...

...its been with me for more than a decade...but was pretty broken due to a car drove over it around 2012...

I also left a bike to a friend...

Later on I saw a big teddy bear...

And passed by Doha...I never been here before...but been to nearby countries...

After my trip I was 97ish kilos...
Baibai bag and duimian de canting visit
I trhow away a bag recently...

It has been with me since 2010-2011...and joined for several trips around asia...and was a littlebit broken...

I also passed by duimian de canting...

Having a classic sweet and sour dish with 18 days...
A baibai event in nankan and taipei
I went for a baibai event in nankan recently...

But some time before I went to my favorite magic shop in ximen to get some rings...

In nankan i saw duchuy...

...he is a very funny guy...

we went to some aboriginal restaurant...

They had alot os stuff from the east coast of taiwan i guess...cus i was told that this was an amis place...(even if some tribes are in taipei area as well)...

...they were promoting some famous singer...

Me and alina will...heading to europe...

Some cool frog, carved out from the woods...

...I might do something similar on a log at some summer house...that would be fun...

Later I headed to ximen...

...many people showed up...

I gave an avicii tag to alan...

passed by brass monkey later...finished some drinks...2019 continues...
More random events in taipei
I was eating with bojun recently...

He wanted to get some sallad and some floss...

I also checked the postal service open hours... well as experience the ubike when it gets locked to a stand with an error...

...had to wait for quite some time before I got to someone who could reset the station...

...omg...thye sell sugar apple in yonghe...epix...even the one made in zhiben...mied with pineapple..

I also bought a honey lager in the store...een if it is a little bit expensive...

...later I went to the myanmar reminded me of my last days with the cats...

I had some myanmar food and myanmar tea...pretty nice...

...alos of donations to the gods...

sweet tea with spices...

I some time later tried some indian candies...

...My friend harshal bought it...

I had beer and peanutbutter in the office...a nice and classic combination...

I also had a small shot of the sweet potato wine i bought in Laiyi once upon a time...
Chill in taipei
I was distributing things in taipei recently...

Visiting some company in neihu...

...and bying fish in miramar...together with leble dor...pretty good...

...always a favorite...

...I also passed by my old favorite pizzeria...always closed...

...and later on in ximen found some new beer...with honey...pretty good...

I also passed by beimen...