End of a UAE visit
I had some marmelade to breakfast recently...

Similar to those I had when I visited switzerland some years ago...

Omg...a lady cabin on the train...i didnt find any male cabin...not policital correct...

does warfs go for free?

...a bus ride to Abudabi...

And the natural scene of UAE...dessert...with some plants...

and some forbidden a rea...

...omg..more trees...

...and some singapore boat lookalike...

....many rues here...

...heading to some place wher they have cae burger...and a nice ceiling...

...many people took picutre of this place...

...i had some gold coffee...

more gold than in burj al arab...

omg...my cael burger also had gold...

...even the french fries...

....and some small window creating sea view...

...with expensice yachts outside..

...some sky scrapers of abudabi...

...also at the exit...may people took pics..."fmous from the fast n the furious" movies...

...there was a geocache nearby...but probably outside...(mystery cache)...

next destination: a big mosque...

voted as "the worlds second famous landmark" by trip advisor...

with many constrints..but the security guards were very nice and polite...

Like in turkey but whiter...

the entrace was huge...

a very peaceful atmosphere...

And impressice ceiling...

Separated area for whorshippers...

Expensive lamp...

and exclusive carpet...

The toilet had less white stones...

And it got some award some years ago...

Also the malls in dubai had spectacular ceiling...

I went for some geocaching...

Found atleast one...

Passng the coastline and spotting burj al arab...

...heading to some other famous area...near the ocean...

...they had a shark tank...

...and a gordon ramsay restaurant...

He is probably oe of the most famous chiefs nowadays...and probably aso one of the best paid...

some dish at his restaurant...

...some pre dish...

and his burger...it was ok...but cosbys in taipei was better...when it existed...

A beef wellington, his signature dish...i tink...

I also ordered a mashed potatoe...expeted it to be awesome...it was ok...

my burger broke when eating it with my hand..."why, why, why"...

and the frensh fries id not all ahve the same length..as i can recall he wanted from his "master cheif" series...

Chiinese new year decorations...

Some col blue light in dubai...

And a last glance at the burj khalifa...

Weight of the evening 101.3kg...

...dubai airport had a paryer room...i see them more and more frequetly...

also a female prayer room...i wonder if muslim countries have prayer rooms for "other"...maybe in sweden...

When watching the safety video in emirates I notced that they ahve 2 difference videos...with where they use another wording for phone battery....

Back in taiwan I saw pics of some aboriginal event...2018 continues...
A short visit to UAE (Part 2)
Some after noon in dubai...

View of a train staion in central dubai...its pretty convenient with the train system....even if the city doenst have any "city center" feeling...

...this is pretty center...
This building is also pretty central...

...a building with pretty cool fountain...

Most of it is made of concrete...its pretty aero dynamic, more than double height or brudaremossens TV-mast...

They have many observatories...this is one of the cheapest called "the top"...

...seen from almost 100km away...

a pretty long queue to go p to the middle observatory...

the elevators had some projetor displaying its current level...

plenty of lights down there...

even from the middle observatory it was more than 300meters to the peak...

With plenty of lights of different colours...

also the fountains at the bottom had cool lights...

...with epic music to it...

Also making some cool patterns...

It was pretty touristic up here...some VR computer where one can experience the peak...

...more light shows...

The observatory was at at 2007 it reache 458m....

...this meant also that when I visited tipei 10 for the first time..it wasnt the highest building on earth...

...also there are plenty of high antennas all over the world...independent on how you count..burj khalifa is highest anyway...

...some constrution picture...

Pretty trousitc....one of the most useless stuff, a miniature building...a.k.a. a dust collector...

From above the buiding looks like a star...

also by night there were plenty of cool light shows..they also had cool music with the fountains again...

At a nearby mall they also had a pretty big shark tank...

and piranas...

omg...swedish Arla protein drinks in a store near burj khalifa...

I also bought Sahlab, its like turkish salep but with milk instead...

I also tried to find a geocache near these "famous" buidings...

I ended the walk with passing by thie big ben look-a-like structure....
A short visit to UAE
I only had 2 things i want to do, when visiting dubai...(except maybe find a geocahe)...

I passed by Burj al Arab...

Pretty empty insice...except the few rooms...

And alot of patterns...

...the danish flag outside...nautical flag...

They had pretty expensive stuff in there....

...and many boats outside...

I had a lunch in there...arabic food...

First batch...

No geocaches inside...

...I had an Burj al Arab coffee...

...second batch...

...third batch...

...fourth batch...

...I also had "local beer" from lebanon...

...fifth batch...dessert...

....and some cake with the logo...

...its suppose to be a 7 star hotel...but i found some broken hook...in the toilet...omg...

But they had their own logo on the toilet paper...epic...

...they also had some water show in the indoor fountains....

Many people taking pics...

Even on the esculator...

...omg...a hole in the wall...on the second floor from the lobby...

...but hard to spot from distance...

Many cars were outside...the clerk looked like westerner...

...Some outdoor pic...

Many people were looking from outside the gates...

...one needed a booking to enter...

...some people passing by to take pic...the hotel was pretty remote...from the city center...but near some water park...

Weight after visit ...100.3kg...
Some day in dubai
A quick trip to dubai was made...

Plan to stay some day via a transfer...and swa this arc shpaed buidling reminding me of the one in paris...

Omg, later on I found that they have simlar soap for body and face, but difference sizes...interesting...

I also found that the flush button for the toilet was places wierd...

Arebic burger king...

I later had some Sahlab...its an arabiv version of Salep that I tried in turkey, and that my sister bought for me when she visited...
I really love it, it taste like rice porridge, it was acctually popular in europe before the area of coffee and tea....

Later I tried some local food as well...some pita thing with lamb meat...

I also had lemon, the same kind my moroccan friend taught me how to do in sweden...
2018 continues...
Last day in rome
I passed by the coloseum once upon a time

Looks like everyone expected...

Old place...seems like many people died in here...

The arena...wasnt that big as in the movie the gladiator...

The main floor was gone...but this is how it looked underneath it...

And some small peice of seats remains...

Some miniature...

They made some new floor at one side for some groups to stand on...

They also had many souvenir shops...

Later a visit to the old rome was done...

Forum romana...like in the old computer games...

This is in the middle of the city...

Some interesting small house...

And more acient structures...

There were also some people protesting against turkish government or something..and many poilce were standin up to prepare incase of a fight...

And some heavier trucks...

There was a huge queue to see the Mouth of truth statue

Some scull...like in indiana jones....

EVery one wanted to touch the statue and take a pic...

They even had a quard there to control that everyone only took 1 pic...

Later i tried to find a geocache here...but it could have been gone...

Cosinus hyperbolikus...


The police seemed used to these protests...

These lamps looks like starwars characters...

I later one went to this restaurant which had a very old water tap...

I had some local food too...

And some parma ham...

...ater on I also had some pizza...

...I also had some traditional dessert...

Leaving the county I saw some animal statues...

Another animal...reminds me of south america...
A visit to the Vatican
I made a quick visit to the Vaticn recently...

Even the letters on the train station had spikes to preent birds to sit on them...

I passed by some status in Rome...

And some Bartholome castlenear Pantheon...

...ust like in San Marino they had wooden samuraii swords here...

...Pantheon...one of the oldest and best preserrved temple and churches in Rome

Some cool motor bike...

...This was the lunch drink....

...and some lunch..

...I also inspected some italian parking...

...after some hours I passed by this huge monument of Complex of the Victorian Ala Brasini...pretty big...

...later I arrived to the vatican....

And the african obelisk...

I also passed by the vatican museum...3 rules...

...and the vatican post...

...this was said to be a famous stair...

...I also insepcted the art at the gift shop...

...many religous paintings...(due to a cause)...

Some broken angel...

...and some painting from GArden of Eden...

An interesting lightning of this cross...

...and some outside art...

...another face...

And many statues...of different "famous people" from the mediterranean area...

This soldier was famous I heard...

Some old map of italy...i love maps...

This is the original "school of athens"...with my favorit philosopher sitting on the stairs....

...some random graals...

and a pic of how it use to look like near the vatican...

The pope seemed to be interested in football...

St Bartolomeo carrying the painter...

What does this sign mean?

...I also saw some cute art...made of stone...

...after a while the queue to the church of the vatican was passed...super long...

and the obelisk once again...

With different kind of stones...

The queue was long for the whole day....maybe just for the security check...

I also passed by some Taiwanese embassy of the vatican...they have plenty of chatolic people in Taiwan...maybe thats why...

This bridge looks like the one at metropolitan museum in Tainan, Taiwan...

One of many bridges...

I also passed by this state....
A country without land..."The three principal officers are counted as citizens. Though its sovereignty is disputed by some legal scholars, it is often given as the only remaining example of a sovereign entity which entirely lacks territory." says wiki...

Their flag looks like denmarks...or switzerland

Is this the cars registration sign in this non territory country?

They seem to have alot of activities all around the world...

...and they also had their own postal service...

This is their webpage i guess...

Later on I went to eat...and found "home-made" stuff....I wonder if they live in the restaurant...

Looks goo...

Some chocolate cake...
A day in firenze
I was in Firenze some while ago...

I tried to join a geocache event...

..but I missed it and went to some tower near the ocean instead...

This sloping tower...

...very famous...

And some other less famous nearby buildings...

...many soldiers here..as at most croded places in this country...

Some people inspecing visitors before entering the tower...

...very restricted...not even bags were allowed up...

Without entering...this is pics on how it looks inside....

Some other old ruin....

...taking train back to firenze...watching the landscape....mountains in the background...

...and back to check if any geocachers still were there...ha, many hours after the event...

Later I had some house wine in a nearby resturant...

...and some salamie etc...

...and some pasta...

...and some other kind of pasta...

...and risotto...

...and some tiramisu...

Some other biscuit...

I ended the day with some pinacolada juice...imressive...
A day in milano
I passed by Milano long time ago...

...many restrictions on the esculator...

Jesus statue?

...some main square...

...and a famous church...

...and some american burger..

...each sign had spikes to prevent birds from sitting on them...

Some fanous tower...I think...

And many turtles...

They were warming up in the sun...I think maybe these could survive swedish climate...

...many of them...

...and some monument...

...I also passed by china town...

...another esculator with many signs...

...and some garden towers...

...later i ate in a restaurant with many interesing signs and it was said to be famous...in fienze...

...many drinks...

...trip advisor recommended...

They also had their own wine..

Some italian pasta...

And a steak...

Pretty rare...

It was a famous place...


Apple cake

Allot of sugar...millenium 2000 continues...