A hike to Mt QiXing in yangmingshan
I went out with some cowrokers recently...
We went to shilin nightmarket...since gide michelin started to rand Taipei resturants in their red guide we tried some hotdogs that got some fork award...
We also had negronis at ximen later...its my bartender friends best drink...reminds me ot old orange marmelade...
I also had some hamburger later on...
Some interns looking for Mt Qixing trail entrance...
...it was said to be the highest peak at yangmingshan...wtairs all the way up...more or less...
Some view from a map that we couldnt enjoy due to the clouds...
...some peak sign...
...and some view....
Some volcanic activity...
...we started at point A and ended at point B, with the main pea inbetween...seems like peak to point B was shorter...that peak to point A...
...pretty foggy at the visitor center at the peak...
And a nice miniature map...
Some peak was 1200-something high...
We climbed up to 1300-something today...
Later we went to a hongkong restaurant...
...we also went for some dessert...with alot of fruit...
And ended at some roof top later...