A day in san marino
I spent a day in san marino recently...
It was cold...unique...the cars didnt have the EU sign...but they ahve euro...
More mountains far away...
Partly rainy, partly sunny or snowy...pretty high up...
I think i can see the whole country from here...
Wooden swords...
Samurai version...
Some geocaching...and some snow...
I also found local wine...
Almost all had screw cork...
...omg...san marino tomatoes...
I also got some local euros...
The flag...3 towers...
Local wine...
...and lasanga...
...and some kind of pasta...ravioli without tomato sauce...
I passed by the old town...
Omg...a drink with the name "sverige bitter"..
...here are the towers of san marino...i guess they are the main land mark of this country...
It was pretty foggy walking on the hills of san marino...
On the top of i hill they had a weapon store...strange...
Some info sign...
After a while, even the town was foggy...
It was in unescos list...
I finally bought some local wine and cheese...
Later on I passed by another nearby city...and saw a statue of neptun...impressive...
I also tried some local specialities...2018 continues...