Hongludi hiking trail
I went for a hike recently in the southern parts of taipei

Omg...a roof elephant...

There are many trails in the southern part of taipei...acctually trails eveywhere in taiwan...just hard to know how ot find them, since not much are in english, nor do many tais like to hike (in comparison to the huge population)...

...another elephant...

First city view...it was very hot this day...

Some small path..but not our path..

The hike had allot of stairs...

And it was a "temple trail" so we passed by many temples...some were selling things...

Thuis cute munk had problems counting, so the customers had to help her to calcualte the final price...

Most locals didnt eat or drink the things anyway...they donated it to the gods...

omg...a door as in the hobbit town...

A trail map...

"Yuantong Temple Hongludi Hiking Trail Guide Map"

...also many cats were walking around...

Once in a while there were some signs...

...we also passed by some graveyards...they also had elephants....

It was a peaceful landscape...

Once in a while it reminded me of the Sanxia trails, or Shidong trails, with allot of clifs and wires...

Many squirrels ere jumping around in the trees too...

After some hour we arroved to the peak...if it was sunny, we would see the whole taipei from here...

302m above sea level...

Not far to the city...

However...warning signs for slippery surface near the temples...

Another temple view over the cloudy city...

And some cute cat scupture...

...and some japanese house...like in jiufen area...

...omg, a person with a Saab, treating it very special...

After another 5-10 minutes I was back in civilsation and the hectic taiwan traffic...

And some random night market...2017 continues...