A trip to Hualien
I made a trip to hualien recently

Taking the car from Taipei towards Suao

After some tunnels, the longest were more than 13km, we ended up in suao...and some random restaurant

There werent manhy people there...so they had many places available

...Still they assigned us a table...

We had some fish, it said "sweet and sour sauce"....but was more or less tomato sauce...

We later took the caron raod 9 towards Hualien...

After checking in at a hostel...we tried a bar called "pub"....it was on the way to the central Mcdonalds, where i spotted some other bars before...

The beers were pretty expensive...for beeing hualien...atleast the taiwan beer...maybe thats why all the other people were drinking budweiser...

Some blur pic of the entrace...it was hard to say that it was a pub else...

Place no 2 were near this bar...some 500m more towards the city Mcdonalds....

I met up with Philipp there...who I use to chill with once in a while in taoyuan...

I also saw some drink bottles looking like perfume glasses...

I had a local yilan beer from Jim and Dads...

Philipp wre saying funny things...we also took some selfie

And went out for some serious conversations...

This was the name of the second bar

The bartender has a pic of himself on their logo

We also had some conversations with the locals...

Philipp were sitting inside with his german friend

They also had a book inside....

...about bars in taiwan...and hits place was in that book...pretty nice...ihe posed before we were headding closer to the city Mconalds

Omg....we also saw a pink car...very rare in taiwan, where all other cars are black, white or metallic...

Next stop was a KTV...but it looked like a strange bar from outside

Some local girls birhtday..

There were allot of aboriginals there...

Kristoffer were listening to many languages that he didnt understand

Robin wa posing with a birthday girl, she booked the whole place this night

Robin also insisted in singing KTV...

He picked mostly scandinavian songs...like Barbie Girl, Dancin Queen...etc

More drunk locals posing

After some hours we decided to leave...there is a day tomorrow to...and our time on this trip was pretty scarce...

Some final pose...

And we were on the road again...it was 4am, and we probably didnt even made it a forth of the distance to the city Mcdonalds...life sux when there are too many local bars on the way to the destination :(

The popular Bar where I met the intern was still open...but no intern inside

After some 5-6 hours we were on the road again...or atleast at the entrance of the hostel....Kristoffer had some private music session with the hostel host...

Robin was chillin at the entrance sipping coffee...

And off we were...heading west, on the cross country road 8...

Omg...my old favorite beer bar in Hualien which has shut down...it was yilan beer...sad...

Up on raod 8, we saw allot of reconstruction work...

Kristoffer took pics or the gorge...one of the rolds largest...

Pic no 2....or was he filming?

Robin was driving...pretty stable...I got the honour to pic songs...it was fun...

Some stop was made at the Zhuilu old trail and the swallow grotto...

Many tourists were he...

The entrance to the old trail...i was here some year ago...its pretty amazing...built by the japanese some 100 years ago

Some 10 up the gorge qe passed by some Taroko aboriginal village...with some cool temple...

We met some locals, I asked for local food but got mostly normal taiwanese food...

We also met some friends from the hostel here...

Rob n Kris eating Taroko food...

Omg...coolest image...some Taroko close with nintendo 8bit graphic...