Danlin music festival
I recently made a trip to Danlin music festival

My friend told me "aboriginals are always late"...ha, i had to wait some half hour for him to meet me at the local train station...

We went around in Chaozhou for some business..

Omg...chist was the head of the computer store

They had a Geforce 210...I remember when I was young and got a Geforce as x-mas gift...

They has a wonderbaum in their car...

Playing x-mas music..so interesting...they are catholic...in asia they think that christianity and catholism are two different religions...

We also found a supermarket in Chaozhou...

Omg..we also visited Geais fatehrs village...they had a cat in his grandmas house...

Some Paiwan aboriginal store

With Shan yu jiu (taro wine)

They also did handcraft here

And were selling some double cups they have in harvest festival

And they did some blinds..

I found some interesting thing to have i the rice...they were reluctant to let me buy it...but I insisted...

I wanted one of each of these...taro wine and sesammy with ginger wine..(wine=alcohol)

They also had stones here with different features...

Some aboriginal stuff...they also treated me some shan yu jiu

I got to try som nice millet wine too...very sweet..

We also went to Laiyi...were I found these painting...maybe ppl from the lower class...

...and upper class...

I wanted to buy some skirt...

They had some different kinds...it reminded me of when I was in myanmar and bought a sarong...

Many local patterns...

pretty cool...

These people were Amis...paiwan sometimes have them on their clothes...becasue its "cool"...

...these are paiwan...

I also found these...I wnat to have some of these later...and one with a batman sign on his chest...

I also got their business card...

Later we went to Danlin and samulavan...I was mingelonig with the local kids...

We after that went to pick up bubba...(he is one of the 7 people of this pic...)

We went to the store to buy stuff...I bought pizza ingredients...

We also sneaked on a guy who the others met last time...but tried to avoid...pretty cute story...

...Then we went to the local 7-11 to buy drinks for the music festival...

I also bought some "american water"...

Bubba was chillin at the table...

I was perparing some pizza....

We thereafter headed to the music festival

But we sat some place nearby....not sure why...maybe for privacy purpose...

Local drink was to mix beer and fruit vodka...

Full moon


Sesamy pudding

Some local dancer (Junai) had a fake earing...

They later on performed...their group name is #tryme

They also rapped...

Pretty professional

Many people filming their performance

Then some local celebrity joined up...

Blur pic of the performers

Fancy shoes

And some person sang a ballad later

Later I made some pizza sauce

I had a small oven...

But enough to mass produe for the locals...

I also made som baileys drink...

A local guy was funny..he had some interesting tattoos..he was aBeinan aboriginal...and tattooed some girls name on his neck...who he was in love with...but didnt really know...

People later played some drinking games

More pizza production

I also prepared some vodka for some person who asked me to buy it for her..but she never showed up...

...so we drank her bottle...

Some guy also had some dog issues...

We was raped by a dog...

People were laughing

We were also asked to deliver pizza to nearby houses...

The elder people in the village had a BBQ some houses away...

They were happy to get pizza...

I also saw Rihanna and some outher youngsters at this party...

Happy pizza people

Well back to samulavan people were drinking...

Hongyu..the funny guy from taidong

Last pizzas had extra cheese...

We wanted to join the other BBQ...but the people hanging at samulavan didnt mind

Hongyu got drink...and stopped drinking around midnight

Local people joined up, who were at the other BBQ...

Some locals decided to head home later on...or atleast try...they came from some village south of danlin...

The tryme crew was nearby...

And hongyu wanted to make a nice Sorti...

The rest of us had a night chat...exceot Geai, he was watching football goals...

Joking and listening to music....in the Danlin night..

Some paiwan friends...

Geai and bubba in the october night

Bubba wanted to make some music...he put on a green short and an africa neckles...

People trying to be creative...by some reason Hongyu returned to samulavan...they went to bed on the floor inside...and planned to return in sunlight...

Me and the boys went to the danlin activity center

Singing some old song

And watching aboriginal patterins

Wehn returning to samulavan the sourthern boys were spread out on the floor

Some hours later I woke up...a new sunny day in danlin

I got some bun from vuvu

And some nice salty porrige

We headed to a nearby cafe

Where we had to take our shoes off, to enter

They had plenty of stuff on their menu

Same place as were visited last time...

I wanted a nutella coffee...but later on asked for their recommendation...

It meant a milk coffee...

I was also introduced to some neckalce...maybe they wanted to sell it to me...

They were making alot of handcraft...

Local people

We later on went to Chaozhou downtown

Bubba wanted to buy some eye drops

Many pleces were closed...we had to walk for a while

Eventually he found what he was looking for

Omg...I anted to buy land on the east coast...here they annouced places in chaozhou city...(its more south than east)...

Also i found cars that looked like orchid island cars...meaning not registration sign

We also passsed by a local Donutes store...

They also have one of these in Hsinchu, i remember I went to one with my friend Anders, back in the days...

No burger, no cards, no bag, no sleeping, no flag on a pole..and no books...

I had s chocolate and donut...

This is the place to be...if you are a hip chaozhou person

The boys talking

Later on we went to samulavan...and I opened the taro wine...

We had it with tried taro

I also got a banana

And after a while we got a whole meal

We anaged to finish half the bottel...after adding lemon to it...

Geai softing

We also got some take away...

Baibai Danlin people

Geai filmed when I did some turtle freeze...

We went to chaozhou station...I found that bubba had 2 caps...one for wearing and one extra...

I also observed two toilet igns in the train...strange...only one of them are the real toilet...