A revisit to AK12 burger
I hanged out with Anders recently

He just wanted to mingle around

so we went for a sandwich

they said I could have it for free if i finised it withint 30 mintues, eventhough I had a late lunsh with pizza and sauer kraut, I still thought it could be interesting

anders had a smoothie

And some phubbing

and pics

Here is a blur pic of my sandwich

Omg, its almost tipping

Anders wanted to film

hmm, johan preparing the mental situation to fit it into him, however they added new rules, i also had to finish a sallad and a 1 litre coke to get it for free

Ok, started

I picked the meat first

21 minutes left when i was done with the meat

just alot of bread

the i went for the sallad, it was rather salty, so i had to ask for a refill of the 1 liter coke

omg, still french fries left at 1 minute

and some bread, I tried to blame my late lunch pizza

I finihed all the french fries before I left, but didnt eat all the bread withint 30 mins, I might do it another time, even thought it doesnt fit into my "burger" definition, since its clrealy a sandwich---2016 continues