Business with china event
I did a visit at the Sweden-China Tradel councils information meeting recently.

I also visited my chinese friend Min...

We got information about the new "apple watch"...but seems more lika an "add-on" to an iphone than a real watch...

Omg...such a nice ship...I will build myself one of these, one day...(when i was 10 i did an attempt, but didnt have that much equipment to finish in an easy way)...

And ofcourse chairman Mao with the swedish flag (sweden was the first country which had diplomatic relations with china after the revolution 1949)...

We also continued to a Sweden - China Trade Council presentation...

They mixed business related information with history...

I recognized many culture features...

And negotiation tactics...

Min, also recognized some...

And later we had chance to ask questions...

Omg, I also observed a hare that didnt fear humans...later on...

And visited my friend Oskar...

He made som smorgasbord...pretty nice...