A visit to Gothenburg
I met up with Anders yesterday...

We paid a visit at the fair again...

We were 3 ppl in our "exploring the world"-team...

Cuz we went to the tourist fair...

Omg...Retrovägen, I helped them last year I was here...

Anders did very well in the games...

We also passed by the china-stand...

Cool...now they are using the 72-hour visa free stay as an argument to visit china...thats good...

We also won some candies...("we"=anders)...

I later on joined Eberth to Cyckelköket..its heaven for guys like us...

Bikes and bikes...

I had 2 broken bikes...

Some tires were stuck...

But it was easily adjusted...

It was fun..i stayed for like 5 hours..just adding and adjusting...

They used coffee to clean dirty hands...

Omg...a brake light...like a car...

Some eletric adjustments..

And a late night ride back home...