Chinese New Year Celebration
I passed by Anders yesterday...

We had a Chinese new year Celebration...(pineapples are a good symbol for chiense new year I heard)...

I was partly wearing red...

Anders wanted to take a pic of little Oskar, who also was wearing his chinese clothes...but didnt get the attention...

Many kinds of dishes on the table...

Including hotpot...

Meat, (the chicken is from the same city as where Anders won Olympics goldmedal (kind of))...

And an interesting pumplin sticky rice ball...

We also discussed some cool websites/apps like google map..but where the users easily can upload their own images...

We also had some green tea and red bean cookies...

And a classic plum...(I use to eat a candy made from this at a burgerbar at NCTU, Taiwan)...

We also tried some cream on the coockie...

The green tea cookie was made of some powder, bought from Japan...

Omg...anders showed a narrative camera...a classic one, that I used to try out last year at Orchid island and Jiaming lake hikes...

Oskar was wearing an epic pyjamas, they should make those for grown ups...its like a sleeping bag...

We also decided to clean some silver...with baking soda, and aluminum...



It was bubbling alot during the process...

We also wtchedsome youtube clips...and I found out that Anders has been on Allsång på Skansen, a famous TV show in Sweden...(he is up at the middle of this blur pic)...

The year of the goat continues...

I got some gifts before I took of...

Eating some snax while biking...pretty luxurious...