Some day in Gothenburg and ocean side
I went to Gothenburg some day ago...

Brought some magazines to read...but ended sitting on them in the park...

Eberth wanted to enjoy the spring sun...

Omg...I found the "Svenska Kyrkan"...same as in Frankfurt...

Later Frank helped me to inspect flowers...

They were all alive...

...even these blur ones...

I later headed out in the archipelago...

For some nautical business... landmark of Gothenburg...

And some new information about the requirements for the comabat boat drivers...

And a pic of gothenburg...(not google map)...

I also found some instructions how to wash hands in the toilet...from some army instruction from 1922...

It was we got pancakes...

And got to see some old buildings...

Many militaries...

And some old grave from a guy who developed the inftastructure in Sweden some 100 years ago...

Omg...we got so much nice food, and a lot of candies and cakes...

And this special by nasa, developted pad, to heat up food...

Ready to serve?

We also passed by one of northern Europes largest wind power plant...not sure if it was bigger than the 5 MW I saw on Gotland some years ago...

We saw some seals...but they were fast to leave...

And some boat that was hidden near the cliffs...

Some guys used some beer to exersice..

Some random guy fixing the set up of the boats before some saturday lunch...

...just some minor adjustments...

Later on in the night my friend were navigating in the dark...pretty cosy...