A trip to Jiayi

A trip to Jiayi was made...
...some random stop near a freeway on the taiwaense west coast...
And some nuns...omg...so intereeting...
...some stop was made at a potterplant where they made flowers on the wall...
...and where they had this old japanese railroad...
This was the station...I think this is an acient artefact on the taiwense landscape...
Omg...and aboroginal knife...
Later on I had some local food...
Nice windpower...I will make a similar one soon...
Later on in Jiayi, I saw this gay... /guy with tie), I was told that he was famous...
...all u can eat later on...
And a quick stop to this railway station...
This was near Alishan...
Where they have aboriginals...
The Tsou tribe...
Omg, I will make one of these later on...pretty cool...
3.4 different kind of bananas...I think the one to the bottom right is not that sweet...
A bridge heading to alishan...maybe broken...
But still worth walking on...
Pretty high...
They also had some temple...
And alot of dry fruit...
Omg...in Jiayi city everyone wanted grape fruit...is it good? - doesnt matter...becasue it is "famous"..the only reason to buy things...
Famous drink...
Next stop was heading to alishan...
But heavy rain was making the tip slower...
Many huge puddles on the road...
Later on it stopped rain for a while...
This is the entrance to alishan...
Jiayi is down there somewhere...I remembrer from yushans peak one could see jiai and the ocean...
A strange looking cloud that I found...
Next stop after this was a big pond...which I ran around in february in jiayi marathon...
Since lakes are rare in taiwan (atleast natural ones on the west coast) this becomes a huge tourist attraction...
Later on a new mountain area was visited...
This city was famous 10 years ago...before some huge earthquake...
"Shiau" instead of "xiao"...its noteasy to be a foreinger here when try to pronunce the chinese...since theres no conistency in the pinyin...
Local food...shrimps...like the amis (aboriginals) they fish them from the river...
What did Johan eat today?...
This bus should take us to other famous spots...
Some rural waterfall...
This use to be a lake right after the earthquake...
long time ago...
After earthquake...
They still restore the road...but its not easy, since the mountains in taiwan are said to be the steepest in the world...with earthquakes and typhoons regularly...
Some famous temple...
Tea plands...
A huge oyster...
High heel shoe and pipe...and we know the gender...
Next place was said to be a "power spot"...
With steep roads...
And a stone henge-lookalike area...
WIth many rituals...like touching the trees from bottom to top...
They also had a place that reminded me of the first cabin of the jiaminghu trail...
With local coffee...
It was pretty expensive...
We continued up to a mountain...
Some "luck"-tags...which people could buy...
This place looked like machu picchu...
Another waterfall...
Then the trip headed back to civilasation...
And the guide wanted to sell his oil...pretty touristic...
It was said to be better than enythign else of its kind...
Omg...Scania busses...
The road was still during contruction since 10 years ago...its not easy to manage mountain roads...
And this was to manage the water...
Some more tourist spot...
Cake store...
Free tasting...
Very popular...
I ended the day with a Wisby beer...


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