New Years Eve...
I sopent New years eve in gothenburg last night...

But helped my ister with some food preparations just before taking off...

The Clarion hotel is always interesting to its like a christmas gift...

I went to a friend...martin, the ppl there had some thing for shaping baloons...

Martin i s a chief...he made some special dish for us...

It was very nice...

Almost like a professional catring...

I had some was nice...

And had to try all the food...

Then we played some music...chris also showed some sports that he is doing right now...

Most of the people wanted to go party later...

The dessert was like rhubarb pie...but it was with bananas and kiwi...

And ice cream...

And some quiz...

Later we went outside...and I saw a flying lantern...pretty cool...

And waited for the fireworks...

I also got some christmas gifts later in the now I can honestly say I got christmasgifts, if someone asks me "what christmas gifts did I get this year"...

I chosed to return to Alingsås late in the ngiht...and the machines were it was a free ride...I like that...

In the morning I made a pizza...2014 continues...