Wednesdays event...
Omg...they serve evenmore kinds of shots at 7-11 nowadays that before...

Not sure hwo buys it thought...

I went with a friend for some his car...

To this place...

I ended the day by visiting my old chinese class....where they still have chrsitmas decoration...

Things were as before...

But not many students remained from last year...

In the late night I headed to this taiwanese store in Yonghe...

They had ovens shpaed as beer cans...

And had korean food...

It seemed tohave the interior design as a train...

They also had Kavalan whisky...thats good...

Andfor 30nt, they had freerefill generous...

At one corner they had old products...from 40 years ago...i have never seen this in taiwan before...

Some guy preparing meat in the beer can oven...

They also had sushi...

This was good...some were a little salty...

Taiwanese/korean food...

This dish was famous...but i dont remember its name...something with chicken leg...