Some Swedish chamber of commerce event...
I went for a short visit a chamber of commerce event today...

But first I enjoyed a bottle of Steves beer...

Later on i went to little london...

They had problems with showing the Swedish hockey game...

Instead they had some other games on the screen, such as rugby...

Eventually they succeeded on getting the game...

I also met the Chalmers swedes again...

More hockey game problems...

I ordered a weissbeer...they had 2 kinds...this one I never tried before...i think...

I didnt follow the hockey game...

I did though meet up with Anders Frick, an old friend of mine...he was impressed by the speed of the free wifi here...

He also had a cool camera that takes pics every 30 second...

I got to try it on for a while...

It felt funny...

Joel didnt like to face people with cameras taking pics every 30 second...

Some break in the hockey game again...

Seems like sweden scored...

They had strange decoration here, at "little london"...near SYS memorial hall...

My friend Jacques bought some south african cake...

My friends favorite beer is Fullers...I have to try this one soon...

More mingeling...

We later paid a quick visit to ximen...where they had kopparbergs...

We also got some nice shots...

And we had a burger... epic guy...
Time to head home...Saturday is approaching...