A friday in northern Taiwan...
I started the day by visiting a new steak house...

Wnag steak house was the name...

They had goose liver...

And 2 different kinds of bread...

And some other dishes...

French soup...

And steak...

It ended with some brownie dessert...the place reminded me of Tasty...some kind of franchise that is common in Taiwan...

Next stop: Keelung...

They have many interesting stores here...

But most famous is the huge duck...

Its a huge tourist thing...

They even have a christmas tree with the duck on...

Many people come here...

I think the duck broke twice...they also have it in 2-3 other taiwanese cities...and its made in holland...

On youtube one can see when it broke last time...

Many selfies here...

Omg, far away they have another duck...

I ended the stay by buying some candies...