A visit to the christmas market
I went to visit a christmas market some day ago...

It was a rainy day...

...and mudy ground...

They had alot of local things...

...like sausage...

Hmm...interesting..its german style...

Its very common with these christmas markets around november-december...

Where they sell things like clothes...food and candies...

With some "old barn" style...

And small details in the decoration...like this blury bird...

Omg....they accept credit card...so professional...

They even use Alpacas for the clothes...

At the entrance tehy were selling christmas trees...

Most of the meat was from the local animals...even wild animals...

I think they have meat from wild boars...

...and from these guys...

The mountain in the background was thought to be a ski resort some 50 years go...but for some reason thise plans were cancelled...(most hills here are created due to the ice age)...