New year celebrations over the world
Many places over the world broadcasted live...

In Kaohsiung in taiwan, the performers had Nazi inspred would be intersting to see how that outfit would do in europe...
Scattered christmas events
Some friends went to the store...

I cant recall i´ve been in here before...

It was some days go and the sun was nice...and shining adored...

I love this place, it reminds me of the himalayas, right now cold like a mountain peak forgotten by some holy lord...

Some day later I went with FH and saw a swan hord...

He went to look for a geocache, its free to look, thus everyone affords...

The swans stod on the ice, hard and recently amoured....
Snowy days are passing by
Subzero days are passing but dark sky...

I had to help my friend with preparing his windsheild so he can whats passing by...

Discount in the sport store...they will close, so everything is on sale, my oh my...

My size, I shoudl give it a try...

Some small city with x-mas atmosphere...silent and the air is more dry...

I found a local beer with pink earmuffs, im asking "why"...
Random winter events
A visit to the bike store was paid some day ago...

Cheap bike equipment...i like...

I got some outer tire problems...

It is a different landscape that I face recently...super slippery...

I also passed by an old classmate who has birthday near christmas...

And has an interesting cat tower...

Two black cats...

My younger sister also went to the east coast of sweden...I guess she is facing new competitions soon...
Some x-mas events of 2014
I joined some people in the morning for a walk...

In the forest...

It was a nice but partly rainy walk...

Some lakes...

....and roads...

...and mushrooms...

It use to be a famous route...

I finally got some coffee and saffron bun...

A swedish X-mas table...

Many things were homemade...and locally produced...

My friend brought some x-mas beer as a gift...which was opened at the table... started to snow after a while...

And my cousins like to watch "donald duck"...

It was critizised for not beeing gender equal...only 7% female...including santas toy production unit)...

I saw a doll in the background, I wonder if they included that one....

And here are many girl dolls...

I was also introduced to some fishing equipment...

Some ppl drank alot...almost like in midsummer...

My uncle made a ginger bread house as an exact copy of a summer house more south of sweden...pretty impressive...

I also got a tube from my I won earlier this year...looking like a tire...
"The day before the day"
I visited some cousins yesterday...

One cousin recently came from USA, and founs a red M&M bad at the airport...omg...

I also found a mouse trap....on the floor...

Many cousins mingling...

Alot of time was spent on eating candies...

A classical phrase for people entering the house...

And we were reminded to sign the guest book before leaving...

And in the night I made som emeat balls..some other ppl made some classical christmas ham...
X-mas is tomorrow...
Kebab time
I was asked "what food do u want on the christas table?"...I asnwered "kebabpizza"

Some day ago I tried a kebab place in alingsås...

And today I tried a kebab place in gothneubrg near my cousins place...

He always say its his favorite pizzeria...

Omg...we took a counsin couldnt attent...we were called "julnissar"...omg...

This is ths place...I think last tim ei was here was 4 years ago...

We also went to Glenns sportsbar...

Same good old friends...

I tried Fullers was pretty good...

And we discussed some interesting apps, where you can find persons locations, and they can see yours...
A saturday Gothenburg city
I joined up some rotaract event around lunch time some day ago...

Volunteering work for some childhood foundation....

Called "BRIS"...

Omg, a big package...

They also had some nice christmas songs at Drottningtorget...

Later I went to eberth for a while...Kedar, a friend in common had beer with glögg-flavour...pretty interesting...

We als talked about some hike that eberth is interested in...

And there was "No double dip!"...we all seen seinfeld....

I later rejoined oskar...and bought a somersby at was a little "taiwan dejavu"...

We went to a gathering...with many ppl...

Omg...A licor 43 bottle...matches my shirt...

A friend had a engineering ring..impressive...

Markus and linnea was there...

And was truly a party with "industrial engineers"...

And someone touches oskars orchid islands "mens only" bracelet... was a girl...not sure but might bring bad luck...

Next stop...park lane...

Its pretty bratty...but we are engineers, so we have a freecard from brattiness...

I became best friends with a japanese guy...

Oskar is strong on the dancefloor...

These guys were funny...doing interesting "robot dance"...

It was a nice club...not that much entertainment, clubwise...but still a small dancefloor, giving a good overview...

Omg...the police were hanging outside...maybe some maffia were involved in the night club business...

Also onthe make sure that everyone pays before they had a special arrangement, checking that everyone paid before entering...

I think that was good...the system here historically trust that the passenger pays without anyone recent times ppl got they need a wip, when the carrot doesnt help...
AW in gothenburg...
I was asked to help my riend Oskar, who recently came from cut his basement door locker...

So i passed by him some time ago..."The newspaper City"? "NO THANX!" it said on a door...must be his...

I tried some vanilla whisky at his place...very interesting...

And some Taiwan Beer bottles...

Oskar shared some high lights from th ebook "catch 22"...its a very funny movie...reminding of some culture...

I also helped him with the locker-cutting in the basement...(due to some logistic reasons, the keys were not accessible in gothenburg)...

Later we headed to a hotel where they had After Work...but damn...such a long queue...never experienced this before...

Oskar shared chewing gum from japan..(in a package from sweden)...

Some green gums...

They call this even "out of office"...

And it was a dance floor...

The DJ played a little strange mixing style...

Many sparkling stuff in the ait...reminding me of club wibe in Taipei...

Omg...some pig an bear on the stage...

Nexst stop was lounge...they didnt accept cash there..only card payments...welcome to sweden...

Many people here...

Oskar, who didnt sleep for some days (since he came from japan and had a meeting 3am in the morning(kind of)...used the happy hour offer...

We ended the stay by talking to this nice guy from australia...(sydney)...australia is a pretty nice place...
Some gothenburg hangouts
I inspected the "disabled person" button on the trains at the west coast of sweden...but didnt figure out what the button did...

I think the small bridge to cover the gap is suppose to come out...but it was already out...

Me and Eberth went for a run in the rain...

And Eberth, who always claim that beer is a good drink to recover...invited me for some try-out...

Almost the same as in taiwan...but less alcohol...

I also tried some chilli...for health reason...

Omg..a non-blur pic... (but taken by Eberth)...

More deers observed...

And thunder storms in the horizon...
Hunting events at Risveden
The season for hunting is soon over...

It was extra many hunters involved in the hunting today...and thus extra many anilmlas shot...

Wild boars...deers and elks...
Lucia times
Lucia time is appraocing...and leaving...

Some random singing events...

And some fixing at a well...

And some spiders...
Recent events
Been busy doing things lately...

...but inbetween i saw a thunder storm some day ago....

Lack of Costco forces me to make my own burger...

Omg...almost looks like a DC comics store, but i think it is H&M...

I also encountered noisy kids on a train...

...and some library visits....
Vosteran Malware
I accidentally got some malware on my computer recently...

It changed my search engine settings, to its own site...maybe it wants to compete with google...
A visit to the christmas market
I went to visit a christmas market some day ago...

It was a rainy day...

...and mudy ground...

They had alot of local things... sausage...

Hmm...interesting..its german style...

Its very common with these christmas markets around november-december...

Where they sell things like and candies...

With some "old barn" style...

And small details in the this blury bird...

Omg....they accept credit professional...

They even use Alpacas for the clothes...

At the entrance tehy were selling christmas trees...

Most of the meat was from the local animals...even wild animals...

I think they have meat from wild boars...

...and from these guys...

The mountain in the background was thought to be a ski resort some 50 years go...but for some reason thise plans were cancelled...(most hills here are created due to the ice age)...
An evening in gothenburg
I spent some evening with Eberth in gothenburg...

...He likes to buy things in Saluhallen, with is a classic deli counter market in the cery cetnral of gothenburg...

He went all in for cheese and sausage...

...and cheese...

and sausage...

...and marmelade...

...and more cheese...

...and anotehr cheese...

and some beer and wine...

We were heading for his sisters birthday bash...

It was almost where I celebrated new years eve last year...

A heavy box of groceries...

We had some wine and nute...and eberth had his snus...

We also got letters to decide your seats at the table...

Me and eberth got the corner seats...

The food was made by eberth cousin...a professional chief...pretty impressive...

Alot of italian food....(or european)...

Here he is...

The person next to my seat had an interesting bracelet waying that she loves diversity...

Most people at this event came from north of gothenburg...

Some speech...

And dessert...

And later we had a competition....

We wont, but we shared the prize...

Here are the answers from our competitors...

Here is the owner of the appartment...and his cousin, who use to work as a news reporter for the swedish television...

More mingeling...

And some people singing...

I brought some Mintu from was appreciated...

My friend took a pic of me...

...and some blur pic of the party...

The last heroes of the was a fun happening...
Wedenesdays evening event
Autumn is still here...

Atleast there´s some traces from it in nature...

I also had an opportunity to visit a file sharing/piracy-exhibition...

Omg...edward snowden is on the picture...

And some "wise words"...

And the logo of the piracy party in sweden...i think...

Later on I passed by some meeting in gothenburg...

This is one of the oldest houses in the city i think...

Some old faces...

And the first "christmas-food"-event for 2014...

Nice cheese cake...

Many people fit in this small room...impressive...
More Bhutan news on TV
More news about one of my favorite countries was on TV today...

Bhutan...soo untouched...I wonder when they will become like nepal...value money more then hospitality...
Early december events
On monday afternoon I went to a very intersting presentaion about ageing...

It was mostly focesed on the decease where you age faster normal...

I also noticed the interoir design for future events in the house...

"Please ask your waiter or waitress 78,-"

I had an ocean...and discussed the latest news in the ageing research...

I also observed some light fashion at the central station..impressive...