Thursdays adventure...
Thursdays...same same...every week...

I got a grape juice from my friend...very refreshing...

LAter I went to Costco...

They surely earn alot of money here in taiwan...

My swedish friend, who recommended me to watch beer documentatires in sweden, joined up and wanted to try belgian beer, since they critizised beers in this documentaries (they all taste the same but they give different images to the drinker)...

They changed coke to pepsi...omg...mabye it will taste better...asian coke often taste wierd, the sugar is different tapped, from the botteled one...

And some sauer kraut...

And turkey sandwish my totaly favorite nowadays...

Costcos concept is buy alot...tai ppl seems to like it...sometimes its even more expensive to by large amounts, than small (per weight), and still they buy large amount...wierd...we had to buy 6 pack of was nice...