Sunday nights food session...
A friend came by last night. we went to costco, however is costco card was out of instead of buying juice...
I bought a hotdog and drank alot of coke...(costco coke taste wierd compare to bottled coke here in taiwan)...
In the nights the police are checking cars, always at the same that the bad guys knows where to not drive...and so that the guys witht he assault rifles dont need to act...
I wonder when swedish police will dress up with rifles when checking cars...
Later I went to ximen, for a nice hotpot "all you can eat"...only 350nt...
They had popcorn, I had to eat some, since they are so nutritious...
The icecream was pretty hard...not easy for people to carve out pieces...
Else I went all in on fish, cornsticks...
And prawns as usual...
In the nights the police are checking cars, always at the same that the bad guys knows where to not drive...and so that the guys witht he assault rifles dont need to act...
I wonder when swedish police will dress up with rifles when checking cars...
Later I went to ximen, for a nice hotpot "all you can eat"...only 350nt...
They had popcorn, I had to eat some, since they are so nutritious...
The icecream was pretty hard...not easy for people to carve out pieces...
Else I went all in on fish, cornsticks...
And prawns as usual...
They had coke in was nice...high on caffein, I faced the sunday going to an end...