In taidong
The following night was spent at Johnnys taidong...

He had Ikea things in the room...

And he insisted of driving the car...omg...

And we went some stores...

And played at an arcade...

The games ended pretty soon...

This fighting game was fun...

Wow...a famous must b good...(tai logic)...

A tree house in central taidong...

And some art...

This house is super central...I was told that the restaurant is not that good...

"An introduction to logic..."

Nice interior design in the house...

This is interesting, the closest Mcdonalds is to the right, but they promote a more remote one...for some reason...

We also headed a bit up on the hill that we skipped last time...

Just some temples...

And old people playing karaoke...

We continued to eat lunch...and parked tha car near this nice house...

Sams burger, the resturant thats open in theory 11-22 but in reality at lunch, and after 17-18...

Some blackboard paintings...

"sams f**kin hungry now"...seems bug...i will have that...

It was pretty big..

Later on we went to johnnys again and ate some local fruit...(the one i bought last time)...

Its a very local fruit...

There after we went to a hot spring...

We could cook our eggs there...

It was not that big...and not that structures in the sense of temperatures...(200nt)...

Rain was approaching, so the trip continued north...

A police controling the traffic lights...

Omg, a bike kit at 7-11 so professional...

Road 9 seems nicer thatn road 11 on the east coast...both has plenty of 7-11 stores...

I saw some fireworks later on that night...

Ath this elementary school, where I slept...

They had english translations of almost everything there...

In guanxi they hace a famous bike way...

Omg, road 20, I was very close to climg jiaming moutain, to go to jiaming lake...but ppl said it might be hard, due to the weather...(i planned to do it over the day, since I know some people who has done that)...

It goes cross the island, to road 3 where I went yesterday...

I went a while on road 20...and passed a Bunun bad that it was closed...

I wanna learn more about aboriginal culture...

This is as far as it gets...almost...

There were many statues like this, here at the road 9 valley...

A sign saying that the raod is closed after some 500k or something...

These "hand in hand" paintingis are very common in taiwan, it seems to be a symbol of aboriginals (as well as the diamond shaped pattern)...

Here goes road 20, I hope to be back soon, and climb some moutains here...

Most roads in the mountains follows a river...

Some aboriginal photos...

Ath this elementary school, where I slept...

They had english translations of almost everything there...

In guanxi they hace a famous bike way...

Omg, road 20, I was very close to climg jiaming moutain, to go to jiaming lake...but ppl said it might be hard, due to the weather...(i planned to do it over the day, since I know some people who has done that)...

It goes cross the island, to road 3 where I went yesterday...

I went a while on road 20...and passed a Bunun bad that it was closed...

I wanna learn more about aboriginal culture...

This is as far as it gets...almost...

There were many statues like this, here at the road 9 valley...

A sign saying that the raod is closed after some 500k or something...

These "hand in hand" paintingis are very common in taiwan, it seems to be a symbol of aboriginals (as well as the diamond shaped pattern)...

Here goes road 20, I hope to be back soon, and climb some moutains here...

Most roads in the mountains follows a river...

Some aboriginal photos...

More paintings...

Bad weather...

I had breakfast in Yuli...some toast...

And "brownish" milk...

It was said to be 100%...

Omg...seeing this at home, one would think it was something in asia this (most often inverted) symbol has a positive meaning...

A new railroad is beeing built...

Omg..."warning for birds" thats rare...I never seen that at home...

I also passed by a coffee plantage...

A japanese guy cane here some centory ago and made these plantages...

They had many products...

Bad weather...

I had breakfast in Yuli...some toast...

And "brownish" milk...

It was said to be 100%...

Omg...seeing this at home, one would think it was something in asia this (most often inverted) symbol has a positive meaning...

A new railroad is beeing built...

Omg..."warning for birds" thats rare...I never seen that at home...

I also passed by a coffee plantage...

A japanese guy cane here some centory ago and made these plantages...

They had many products...

And equipment...

ALot of coffee trees...

Like this one...

With the red coffee bean...we were told that we could eat them (the visitors were guided)...

Hmm...I brought some beans plant...

Some beans were brown and dry...

They also had facilities to camp...

We also got some tea and coffe wjhile there...

They had many products...

The coffee I liked...

I bought was pretty expensive 1000nt for a small package...they had one for 600nt, with another bean....but i prefer arabica...and i like to support locally produced items...

Omg, the tropical of cancer...

They had many sites to visit on the east reef valley...

And the road I wanted to go on...

Next stop was Ruishui milk farm...

SImilar to the one I visited when I did my ironman in taidong 2 years ago...but this was bigger, since they sell their milk at 7-11...

I bought some pudding, ice cream and milk...

Local produced they said...but they only had 300 cows here, I doubt that this is their only faciility, since they are selling their milk at the 6000 7-11 that exists in taiwan...

They also had ostrich...

And a few cows for visitors to feed...

Many kids were here...

"land of milk, tea and ot springs"...

And places to camp...

Nice houst...looks empty but the roof is the same as home...

Aboriginal pattern...

I was taking road 193 to an aboriginal museum that was open (i was told)...

ALot of coffee trees...

Like this one...

With the red coffee bean...we were told that we could eat them (the visitors were guided)...

Hmm...I brought some beans plant...

Some beans were brown and dry...

They also had facilities to camp...

We also got some tea and coffe wjhile there...

They had many products...

The coffee I liked...

I bought was pretty expensive 1000nt for a small package...they had one for 600nt, with another bean....but i prefer arabica...and i like to support locally produced items...

Omg, the tropical of cancer...

They had many sites to visit on the east reef valley...

And the road I wanted to go on...

Next stop was Ruishui milk farm...

SImilar to the one I visited when I did my ironman in taidong 2 years ago...but this was bigger, since they sell their milk at 7-11...

I bought some pudding, ice cream and milk...

Local produced they said...but they only had 300 cows here, I doubt that this is their only faciility, since they are selling their milk at the 6000 7-11 that exists in taiwan...

They also had ostrich...

And a few cows for visitors to feed...

Many kids were here...

"land of milk, tea and ot springs"...

And places to camp...

Nice houst...looks empty but the roof is the same as home...

Aboriginal pattern...

I was taking road 193 to an aboriginal museum that was open (i was told)...

This place...

Cool pattern...

It was the Amis tribe...

I want to know more about the smaller tribes...Amis and Paiwan seems so big...

They had colourful clothes...

And nice necklace...

And totam pole...

The eat rift vally, super nice...

Sttep hills...

A meeting point for aboriginals...

Next stop was a real lake near hualien...

I seen pictures of this lake on internet but I did know it was here...

I was told it was famous, but hard to get to , sincethe east coast is kind of isolated...

Liyu lake...

Many people were renting out swan boats...

They also had some wetlands...

Some people were also fishing...

And some hotels...ofcourse...

Cool pattern...

It was the Amis tribe...

I want to know more about the smaller tribes...Amis and Paiwan seems so big...

They had colourful clothes...

And nice necklace...

And totam pole...

The eat rift vally, super nice...

Sttep hills...

A meeting point for aboriginals...

Next stop was a real lake near hualien...

I seen pictures of this lake on internet but I did know it was here...

I was told it was famous, but hard to get to , sincethe east coast is kind of isolated...

Liyu lake...

Many people were renting out swan boats...

They also had some wetlands...

Some people were also fishing...

And some hotels...ofcourse...

In hualien I went to an "allyoucaneat" buffet at pizza hut...

It was lantern festival as well so there were alot of lights...

In Jiaoxi, I went to my favorite yilan beer bar...they also have a free piblic hotspring...

Yilan beer...

And the dance floor...where old people dance...

once barley and one wheat beer...

In Jiaoxi, I went to my favorite yilan beer bar...they also have a free piblic hotspring...

Yilan beer...

And the dance floor...where old people dance...

once barley and one wheat beer...

More people at the hotspring...they sit and dip ther feet into the water...

Later road 9 was taken towards was nice, a view of yilan by night...