The day before christmas...
I started they day by driving my brother to the airport, he is heading to africa...

Later I went to Gothenburg to visit Vlad...driving car...not accepting cash atht eparking lot...and also charging for enterint the city by car...

Me and Vlad went to an indoan resturant at hisingen...

The coke tasted like diet coke...wierd...

My 50 note had a metallic stripe on it...if it didnt, I need to use it before the end of the year...else it wont be valid to use anymore...

We also had a coffee and walked along the river was nice...

Vlads office...

Well back home, I had some chocolate...

On christmas its ok to take fomr the other layer I heard...

I also enjoyed seeing my packages from taiwan, including a gift :)

Later on, I went to some christmas gathering...seeing my cousin Erik...

And some other cousins...

It was nice...

Many family photos...

Typical swedish christmas tree...

And more mingeling...

And eating...

And signing the guestbook...

My parents also have a guestbook at their house...

We later on went to Östad...for gingerbread baking...

Typical patterns...

And scary masks...

Sister and cousin...

And some gingerbread house preparations...

And family gatherings...

Omg a "crispy one"...

A pile of ginger bread...

Later on we went back to some other party do pick up some leftovers...(that my friend left)...

When home at my parents house I I finished the gingerbread house...

This is the result...not painted yet...