Critical Mass in Frankfurt
I got a book from sweden today...

Its to finish a course im taking about german society and is fun, when you dont need to...

HEading downtown by bike...I was still looking for the find a pump...but only saw a christmas market...

And outside the opera I found some attend the critical mass 14.00...i was almost late...but others were later...

Some people having a guided tour in the city...

Omg, a guy had a bike like a chopper...

I asked if i could try...

It was fun to ride...

This is kind of what I was looking for in taiwan some years ago...

More bikers joining up...

And finally I found a guy with a pump...nice...after some try outs...i managed to pump my bike...

Also some bikers brought music...

And then we started...usually by cycling around the fountain...for some laps...

Round and round...

Until we headed east...

Critical mass...if we are more than 15 bikes, we have the right as a "long vehicle"...but at the intersections some bikes were blocking for cars...just in case...

Some car drivers were not happy...

2 bikes brought music....this was the bigest stereo 75A-hour battery, so that he can play music for 10 hoiurs I was told...mostly playing lounge music...

Another intersection...

Maybe we were 50 bikers...or more...

I was not sure abou the road...the guy to the left on this pic use to live in USA...

Many cars drove fast when passing by...

Some times we even crossed red...since we were a long "train"...of bikes...

At the bridge corssing Main, people lifted their bike up in the air...not sure why...

My spanish friend Juan had some problems with getting the bike down...

Continue on the south part of the city...

Another red crossing...

This guy had a police sound equipment...just for fun...

And this guy was some professional biker...

Doing the "titanic" move...

For some while...when before we headed north again...

Red lights...

And irritated cars...

This guy wasnt reall attending the event, but he joined us anyway...he has a fixed gear bike..thats impressive...

The stereo is still going strong...

Using an iPad to pic songs...

No christmas song...but some similar remixes...

And on some maze of bike path...

Juan and Jonatan...we were like 7-8 foreingers at the event...

More road blocking, while we passed by...

And we ended up at this kiosk...

Not sure what to do here...

But they had many kinds of beer...

I had a binding, since its local...

And some sausage...

The owner must have done some good deals today...

I was told that in summer they continue for quite some while...

We also got some christmas cookies...

My friend was smoking weed...

Heading back soon?

Suddenly some bikes startd to cycle around a tree...that was the sign that its time to go back...

But with our lamps on...

Waiting at a traffic light...

And heading downtown again...where the christmas market is...

Some car driver was angry, and his mirror broke after almost hitting a bike...

Its cant be easy to know all the traffic rules...

Many people had racing bikes...

Music still going strong...

This was the end point...

I gave my business card to some people...

We also tried to check the died for some reason...

Now it works again...

These local guys were the ones who brought the music...

Some other foreingers joined up to talk...

We also headed to the christmas market...

Many people...

And the ginger bread I saw at the oktober fest...


Nice hat...

I had some christmas hotdog...cotaining nuts...

After some minutes walking...we headed back...

Omg, this scene reminded me of home alone...

My american friend also lived in the north part of the city...

He has only lived in frankfurt for 2 weeks...he was here 2 years ago...and will study german now for some month...

I also had 1 M&M peanut butter...they are very nice...