An attempt to visit club Gibson
There is a club in Frankfurt called Gibson, which had a special offer, "free entrance before 21..."...been there heard that...

It was a queue on 30 mins when I arrived...

Wtill waiting, was suppose to meet my friends 20.45...thy came a little late...

This queue made the bartender in the all you can drink club in Taoyuan some years ago to feel fast...maybe 1meter/minute...many people dropped off...

This is the club...

And some brave ppl who still wants to 21...but no free entrance...

Me and my friend went to Rewe at a nearby mall...I wanted to buy some Paulaner beer I never tried before...

And some sourcream and onion chips...they are very good here...

The mall is kind of interesting...some glass design shaped as a web...

We tried to go to the roof top...and took a super long escalator up...

More glass webb ceiling...

They had alot of space here...

It reminded me of the mall "big city" in hsinchu, they even had some train that drive on a christams themes rail...

And suddenly we found some salsa event...what a surprise...

It seemed to be a class there...

Looking out I still saw the long queue to club gibson...

This guy walked around trying to recruit more people to join the salsa class...

Not sure how many people he succeeded to convince...

They even had a stand for hanging jackets...

This girl was also asling people to join the class...

Alex said he was not that good in dancing salsa...

But the girl told us alot about the salsa scene in frankfurt...they have events 5 days per week...

And here are the brave ones who was a little like brass monkey in taipei...with class first and open dancefloor later...

After some introduction about the steps, they started to dance togetter...

And many people stod at the side watching...

And queuing to hang their jacket...

They also promoted some upcoming events...

And now the open dancefloor started...

Many paople suddenly showed up...

They also had a dancefloor nearby...a smaller one, that played songs that were slower in the beat and more popular in south america I was told...

We went down to the bar after a while to buuuy some more beer (read: we went down to the super market Rwere at B1 in the mall)...

The staff had redbull and vodka at his chair...maybe he was preparing for the night...

And then we took the long escalator again...

It was interesting that the burgerbar was called "Gute burger", similar to the place where I almost come from in sweden...

Omg, super many the salsa dancefloor...

I also tried Veltins was "ok"...

The hosts also promoted upcoming salsa festivals in frankfurt...

They also had some other bar open where people bought snax...

Wow, evenKatherinne was here...we found out that she has been emailing with Alex before...they are both from colombia...

Maybe she was also here for dancing...

Even the small dancefloor had many people now...
With music sounding like:
Aventura - Obsession...which is one of my spanish favorites...

More body contact than salsa...

Back to the bar...

Omg, it was a long queue to the bar...

I always carry a bottle opener seems like a strategic correct places like here...

Later we joined some other guys...out somewhere...

Leaving this mall...Alex told me that it is problems here when it rains and snows, since the water goes down on the the entrance...right on people entering the building...

The others wanted to go to some australian bar...

Still super long queue to Gibson...I wonder why...

Some more mingeling...all spanish speaking people...Colombia, Argentina, Equador and Spain...

Suddenly some critical mass look-a-like people on inlines passed by, playing nice trance music...

They surely got everyones attention...2013 continues...