Spirit, week 2
I visited Spirit yesterday...its to cheap not to go, only for one or two drinks...
I had my "disco disco" shirt, that I bought from Bali...since I was going to a disco...
It was not as many ppl here today, some internaional student had a birthday party else where...so maybe thats why it was a ack for foreigners today...
This it the logo of the place...i dont know why they changed the name from Savage...
This is the car of the owner, if u see a car with low profie tired and shaded windows, its brobably maffia relatied, like night club owner, binlang retailer or night market protector...
I found a new favourite drink...its like a pinacolada but with beer instead of pineapple...
They told me they didnt have any milk drinks..but then i found out that they had anyway...strange...
In the beginning there was only on bartender who could make my drink, but since I kept on ordering it, the other bartender als learned...
AFter a while, my friends also ordered it, so we got a big carafe...
I also got to borrow my friends name tag...he works there...its fun, they have similair things in Luxy at taipei...