Dinner tin Taipei
My friend had birthday today, and we went to a restaurant in Taipei to celebrate

It was just near Taipei 101, that currently was used as a advertisment pelar for Louis Vuitton...

I was first among the guests...only Nicole and Yuriy was there...he has a Canon Mark II camera...so impressive...I might buy one of these as well, if i dont buy a Mark III that is recently released...

The restaurant had an interesting paying system...when i got in to it, i was given a plastic card...

You went to their kitchen...

Picked your dish...

It was an german owned italian restaurant, they had past and pizza but no lasanga :(

They u pressed your card to this machines, and it would register our order for you, so it will be easier to pay later...

i had a tomoato and garlic pizza with milk and honey, from a glass that looked like a water tower...

It was a nice dinner...mostly swedish people, and some international students...

We also ate cake...some other people were also haveing birthday there...seems to be a popular restaurant...

We stayed for a long time, having interesting converations, braggin around about our historical knowledge and discussing interesting topics...

When we went out, I saw alot of foreigners...

I realised that it was at the nightclub Myst...now wonder...maybe i will go here some time, it use to b expensive...but its still popular...