A quick visit at 7-11
The school wanted to remove a problem some years ago...it was how to deal with drunk students...so they stopped selling alcohol in campus...(more or less), I suggested that they could offer a place to drink, instead of offer a place not to drink (since they will remove the life of the students instad of renew it)...the school seemed to hope that foreigners will msn with each other instead of talking face to face, and go to ktv when someone has a birthday...all tai-style...but ppl just went of campus to hang out...
Now they dont want students to drink alcohol outside 7-11 outside campus either...its easy to move this further, until the nctu will look silly...

I had some fiber drink at the north gate anyway...they cant force the students to starv...

I also passed by Mcdonalds...I found the burgers super cheap...compare to home...just like 8-10 SEK...