4 university football game
I went to Zhongli today, with my school, to support or participate in the football game...

We had to gather 8 at the north gate...

...to take the bus 8.30 to zhongli...

2 other teams were already there...playing...(it was 4 teams in the tournament)

It was only foreigners in the game...

People started early to warm up...our first game was around 10.30...

We got green shirts, our competition NTHU had blue shirts...

As usual there were alot of opinions and discussions, when many culture meets, there are always argues about how to play, some ppl like to dribble the ball, others to pass it...

It was probably 30 degrees in the shade...and I burned myself heavily from yeaterday so i but alot of sunblock on...
My aim was only to support the team, not to play, since other ppl wanted to play more...

I knew I had to leave earlier, since I had an appontment in Taipei...so me and a french guy who wanted to vote in the french election ordered a cap to taipei...

The taxi charged 1000nt to taipei...it was ok...compare to taking High Speed rail, and taxi it was maybe the same price...